I think the big reason is that donations are drying up. This could be a combination of different convergent things. JWs are poor, the few who are getting baptized from "the world" are also poor. This equals less money per publisher coming in. You also have a shrinking group of old timers who would religiously give money ever month. The younger crowd is 1: not as disciplined 2: poor money managers 3: more likely to use the $20 in their pocket for a double frap soy latte 4: Then you have other factors like the continued flow of changes causes confusion in the ranks, making it a little less likely to give up hard earned money - stupid things like cart witnessing produces lots of unproductive hours in service, with just about no chance for donations - and every hall having to buy giant TV's, computers, video equipment and so on diverts the money going to the big house.
What do you think?