2014 - 100 years of "kingdom rule". Many were in expectation for something big to happen
We had drummed into us before the BIG CONVENTION that this was going to be the most important event of our lives (guess baptism, marriage, first kid, didnt cut the mustard). And we spend countless hrs making tchotchke to give away to the international visitors. Then It came and went. HMMM my life didn't change much, did yours? Did anyones? The HISTORIC event was just like the conventions when we went to stadiums, just with more people.
We also had the NEW BIBLE! THE GAME CHANGER! Did anything change? No. The cry wolf effect has kicked in I think.
P.S. The tactic of we have to keep the R&F busy all the time with new crap so they don't notice 2014 has come and gone, is not working for everyone apparently.