Beyond being offensive, it just did not work on so many levels. And the subliminal message was - it's worse to not listen to us than to rape, murder, commit adultery, steal, or other "serious sins".
1. Not listening to elders or forming clicks = grieving the spirit.
2. Watching some types of porn "I guess gay porn or bdsm" = grieving the spirit.
How stupid and unsupported are those 2 statements.
When the moron puts Balsamic on the bread - and says it saturates it - it is OBVIOUS IT DOES NOT! I pools on top. If he cut an inch off the top it would be fine. BAD ILLUSTRATION. It was just bad all the way - it did not work and looked really stupid and silly.
Again the message was - if you F-around, wife swap, take drugs, steal, and you are sorry - it's ok with god, you can come back - we will help.
If you don't listen to all we say, and to the Elders, or form clicks (there has never not been clicks in any KH - but this is CODE for not having groups of friends that don't agree with us or have "independent thinking")
BY THE WAY - Since I was an elder for a long time - i know one of the things he said was COMPLETE BS. When he talked about if you sin seriously but are repentant - god forgives and its like it NEVER happened.
The BS in that is that at any elders meeting with wrong doing and especial with Judicial meetings - if a person has a history (i.e. a young person how had sex, and now does it again) it is ALWAYS remembered - and the whole "This person has a PATTERN of sin - and this person is WICKED and not weak" is ALWAYS brought up. NOT FORGOTTEN!! And thats cuz how Elders are trained.