Talk 5 is funny.
Glad to see they are spending as much time helping men who have viewed porn as with a man who has cheated.
The are roughly equivalent:)
will you be a survivor of the last days?.
serving with jehovah’s unified organization.
move ahead with jehovah’s unified organization.
Talk 5 is funny.
Glad to see they are spending as much time helping men who have viewed porn as with a man who has cheated.
The are roughly equivalent:)
i was contacted by my ex sister-in-law yesterday.
she asked me if i wanted to spend some time with my niece, while she went to her sister's baby shower.
it turns out my niece can't go because she's about to be disfellowshipped at the ripe old age of 14. .
Sorry keyser - it really is just horrible.
Wait I got an idea! - let's practically force little kids to live by a set of rules they have no idea about, are not mentally ready to process or understand, and then lets punish them harshly when the act on normal feelings a few years later!
Oh darn, the WT beat me to it.
just one week from the zone overseer's visit is the announcement that the magazine production by the australia branch will end in a few months.
the task being transferred to the japan branch.
while i'm not 100% certain, i understand that this effectively ends all major printing bar perhaps tracts, handbills and other loose items.
in the saturday/sunday wall street journal for the weekend of april 9-10, 2016, in the us news section there was an article titled, "housing bust lingers for generation x.".
something clicked in my mind when i read.
"the data show an enormous swing in the fortunes of people born between 1965 and 1984, the group defined by the harvard joint center for housing studies as 'generation x'".. hmmm....generation did you say?
How long is a generation, you ask?
Short Answer: 25 years, but a generation ago it was 20 years.
Long answer: It depends on what you mean by generation.
A Biological Generation
…is simply the unscaled transition from one parent to one offspring. In humans, the Biological generation does not have a standard length but there are limits. So you are in one generation, your mother the previous, your child the next one after you, etc. regardless of when any of you were born. As long as your Uncle Willard does not marry your Sister Betty Jean, this is not complicated; This is what people often mean when they use the term “generation” but not what they mean when they ask the question “how long is a generation.”
the problem is i have a baptized witness going out on service door to door giveing comments at kh who for the last 4 years has had sex with at least 10 prostitutes and regularly takes drugs ie speed the cong has no idea he's doing this he says he will never go to elders for fear his family will shun him if df so he continues i know because he tells me everything should i tell the elders or not.
NO NO NO!! Its his life - elders have no rights to meddle into someone else's life.
If he is addicted and in trouble, try and get him help OUTSIDE the congregation which will do NOTHING to help.
Thanks for posting this!
The logic elders use to protect the policies are just disgusting and sad.
one thing that really frustrates me inside is how quite a few jw's (especially my family) actually believe that demons like to inhabit second hand vases, or clothes etc.
my sister and mother are so bad with this that they wont even talk about it - because even talking about it "brings demons into your home".
so any attempt to show them that it's unscriptural is shut off with, sometimes them literally going "lalalalalalala im not listening".. i used to believe it myself (why wouldn't i?, i was told by my mother and father it was fact).. what i'd like to point out to anyone that would let me debunk it is this:.
It's all part of the idea that its Fun to believe in things like that, just like people want to believe in UFOs and Bigfoot.
Not because their is even a shred of evidence, but because if fills other needs.
hi, everybody.. romor has it that here in japan, downloading jw application is dangerous because once.
you download it, borg will know your every activity on the internet.. is this true?.
does anybody know about that kind of thing?.
will you be a survivor of the last days?.
serving with jehovah’s unified organization.
move ahead with jehovah’s unified organization.
I like this part in 003
What evidence is there that Jehovah also directs the earthly part of his organization?
Organizational refinements [Read Isaiah 60:17] (kr 120-125 ̊11-18)
Numerical growth [Read Isaiah 60:22] (kr 96-97; statistics from the latest Yearbook)
Of course if you don't show the stats from the previous years the NUMBERS MEAN NOTHING!