All religion is POISON!
Posts by ttdtt
I totally agree with this video about Islam
by ILoveTTATT2 in islam be reformed though?could it, for example, be accepted eventually that only the quran, and only the nice parts of it, need to be followed?how did judaism - the non- orthodox kind - become one of the most progressive and open of religions, considering their holy text is so violent?maybe that should be studied?.
What did President Trump say about Sweden?
by kpop inthis you will never see on the mainstream media.
before you comment watch the whole video.
Fox News (what a joke) is Repugnant!
Gods Kingdom rules book, what did they leave out?
by Crazyguy inhaven't read this book but i guess it the watered down version of thier history.
what did the leave out and lie about in this publication?
mmm how about 95% of everything, and 99% of unfavorable stuff.
NPR News: Lack Of Education Leads To Lost Dreams And Low Income For Many Jehovah's Witnesses
by breakfast of champions in
can't comment on this right now because i'm heading off to school .
WOW - I think MOST of us could have been a sub for either of those stories.
GLAD NPR picked it up - pretty safe that no JWs will hear or read it since NPR is for those who are Edumacated and interested in getting lerninnn.
Another Burnt Out Elder
by Spoletta inyoung elder(mid-thirties) in my congregation stepped down last night.
nicest guy, with two lovely kids, a great supportive wife.. it got to be too much, as the other elders are practically useless, let him do all the hard work, while they did all the "important" stuff.
literally ran him ragged.. he's still in good standing, gave the final prayer.
I love this topic. I was an elder for 2 decades. Last 4 years were the "awakening".
Now i would never say it was to much work, I loved public speaking and I was very good at it, that was not work. JC's were tough but I always was looking to help people, so that wasn't horrible.
The stress came in form:
A. watching elders to stupid things not based on love or the bible, and harm people for no good reason.
B. the insanity of rules rules rules that made everyones live harder.
C. 90% of the stress came when I realized it was all BS but still had to play my part till I had a fade strategy. Being and meetings and hearing the compete BS, contradictions, misinformation, baseless points of view, people rooting for 7 billion people to die... became to much. I needed to go home and have a drink after every meeting, and I spent the day dreading having to go.I was able to step down using all "legitimate" reasons (depression - responsibilities) - said the concluding prayer and all that....
Well people started to distance them selves from me and my family. (so much love).
Happy for that - but so ANTI- what JWs are to be.I feel that a large amount of the Elders that step down due to Stress/Depression/Exhaustion... are really ones who have WOKEN UP to some degree, and want no part of the mess any more.
" I think only the bullies and egomaniacs in the BOE's can survive...but is this the way the flock wants to subject themselves to the loving care of the GB?"
All those who have NO power in their lives want to RULE it over those at the hall! -
Anyone read the latest Awake (on the supernatural)?
by LoveUniHateExams injust read some of this latest awake on the org's webshite.. it begins by talking about the 'supernatural' - wizards, witches, vampires, etc.
- their popularity and why they might appeal to people.
then it goes on to state the wt belief that someone is 'behind it'.. now, i like a few horror/scary films - when i was a kid, i always actually liked being a bit scared by them, tbh.. the silence of the lambs, a nightmare on elm street (1984), the ring, the witch, the thing (1982) and a few others are all great, imo.. they are just genres and subgenres of film, that's all.
I have to say one of the scariest movies I have ever seen what "The Decent"
I also love "Race with the Devil" 70s movie that scared me as a kid.
Trump Voters, Is This What You Voted For?
by Village Idiot inall that talk about hillary clinton's unsecured e-mails?
read the following:.
"deagazio posted additional photos from the weekend, including one of his dining companions kissing trump on the cheek, a selfie with white house strategist steve bannon and another selfie identifying a man named rick who he says is responsible for carrying the nuclear “football,” which allows the president to authorize a nuclear attack while away from the white house.. "“this is rick,” wrote deagazio.
Trump voters are either rich and want more tax breaks - or (the vast majority of them) are just stupid, gullible, misinformed, afraid of minorities, religious fanatics, or just bad people.
Voting for Trump was not like voting for Romney, or McCain, or Bush for that matter, it was a vote for a moronic narcissistic madman.
Infinity versus nothing
by Fisherman insome people like to believe in something others believe in nothing; so in what location did the substance that expanded into the time/space universe exist before the big bang?
where did the energy that caused the big band come from?
how did the substance that became the big bang change from being inert and sterile and come to life to having the properties and drive that it does?
so in what location did the substance that expanded into the time/space universe exist before the big bang?
It didnt expand into anything. Thats not the way it worked.
Also not a question you can answer here, but read some of these books if you want a better understanding.
1 day Assembly Woodburn, Oregon 2/11/2017
by Spoletta inattendance: 1,2037 cost: approximately $12,000 baptised: 2 born ins.
Well at least "we" don't charge for Weddings like christendom does:)
Stephanie Fessler v Watch Tower - Trial on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017 in Pennsylvania
by AndersonsInfo in
stephanie fessler v watch tower.
stephanie fessler was brought up as a jehovah’s witness by her parents, jodee and kevin.
Fessler, according to the suit, meets the criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder and faces a life-long risk of mental health issues due to the trauma.
She is seeking punitive damages. The suit denotes a $1.9 million demand against the church's $100,000 offer to settle the suit.
The parties did not settle, though, leading to the trial, which is expected to run five or six days.