A seed can feel it is finished as it has been buried—it doesn’t know it has only been planted to continue living!
Venus - I am happy you have the solace of your faith - but - I can prove to you that seeds exist.
I can experiment with what happens to seeds when put in the ground.
I can follow them from seed to sprout every second of the way.
I can examine the DNA of the seed and even make changes to it if I want.
A seed does not have a brain so it cant know or feel anything.
There is NOT mystery on how a seed works.
I don't need FAITH when I plant my flowers.
Even if God is willing to provide proof, are we able to see Him, hear Him, feel Him … Our physical eyes are able to see only those objects that lie within the visible range.... It means there are several objects that our eyes cannot perceive
So god is SOOOO powerful - he cants make himself know in an indisputable way?
By the way - our minds have made tools so we can detect and see and manipulate all those things that our eyes cant see.
If god were real, he would make his presence know so it was...
Indisputable - Unambiguous - and it would be Globally Accepted.
By the way Gamma Ray bursts I think you are talking about happens when a massive star converts lighter elements into heavier ones through fusion. When fusion no longer makes enough pressure to counteract gravity, the star rapidly collapses to form a black hole. The energy may be released during the collapse along the axis of rotation to form a gamma-ray burst that is amazingly powerful. (dont know what your point is on that)
By the way, the bible didn't help us figure that our. The human mind using the scientific method over decades of years did. Einstien gave us the math that lets us understand what is going on, and observation and experimentation confirm it. NO FAITH REQUIRED.