How does he remain an elder yet not preach?
I never said he doesn't preach. He does so sparingly with the group and with much pain. What I mean to say is that he doesn't walk for the purpose of exercise, which the doctor has prescribed. If you can walk in between appointments at work and walk from your car to your next shepherding calls front door, I'm sure walking for your own health wouldn't be an unreasonable task. I'm sure there are other ways that he gets his time in for the month.
JoinedPosts by Sandino
Anyone recall someone disfellowshipped for gluttony???
by James Mixon ingluttony seems to be a sin that jw's like to ignore .there are several scriptures that point out that gluttony is a sin, proverbs 23:20-21 "do not join those who gorge themselves on meat".....also i read somewhere that 1% is the number of disfellowshipped jw's each do prove someone is a glutton and not just a person who love food???
Anyone recall someone disfellowshipped for gluttony???
by James Mixon ingluttony seems to be a sin that jw's like to ignore .there are several scriptures that point out that gluttony is a sin, proverbs 23:20-21 "do not join those who gorge themselves on meat".....also i read somewhere that 1% is the number of disfellowshipped jw's each do prove someone is a glutton and not just a person who love food???
I recall a recent broadcast video where one of the GB members (the one that fumbled through the RAC hearing) had a belly and hadn't bothered buttoning up his suit coat. Maybe it's just me but I thought, "good grief man. Have a little self respect". But, what was REALLY funny is that I had been chatting with an elder a few weeks later and he had told me how a CO in California had gotten bent out of shape when a speaker hit the stage at an assembly WITHOUT buttoning his coat and he wanted him hung, drawn and quartered!
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Anyone recall someone disfellowshipped for gluttony???
by James Mixon ingluttony seems to be a sin that jw's like to ignore .there are several scriptures that point out that gluttony is a sin, proverbs 23:20-21 "do not join those who gorge themselves on meat".....also i read somewhere that 1% is the number of disfellowshipped jw's each do prove someone is a glutton and not just a person who love food???
The question of gluttony (which may lead to obesity) has puzzled me too. To me, it's almost like some brothers (and sisters) have essentially said "screw it. The paradise will take care of everything". I even have a relative who is an elder and does NOT take care of his health. Even openly ignoring the doctor's orders to just WALK a little! But, no. Not even that. How does it not hurt their conscience to be up on stage and say "hey everybody! Imitate me! As I imitate JC!"
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cleveland ohio RC notes
by nowwhat? inpeak attendance 7100. baptised 38 mixed bag of old and young.
youngest age 10. saw no brothers with beards.
better than average .50% growth.
@ darkspilver. I was "admonished" to read those same articles you reference, but i thought "You got to be kidding me! That's such an old article I can't do the mental math to figure out how old it is!!" + weren't we on our way INTO paradise according to the '75 prophecy? If I were at the helm of the WT ship at the time I would've said, "let's get this party started!! Clothing optional!! Unless you're physically ugly. In that case, keep your clothes on!
cleveland ohio RC notes
by nowwhat? inpeak attendance 7100. baptised 38 mixed bag of old and young.
youngest age 10. saw no brothers with beards.
better than average .50% growth.
@ UnshackleTheChains. I wonder given the "free will" the BORG preaches whether they'll ever openly allow beards. I had thought about the many immigrants coming into Europe and what are they being told when they SEE brothers with beards. I had even been told that some European brothers are giving substantial assignments on stage (I'm in the ministry school and find myself in front of the congregation on occasion). As in my case, I would imagine those that see me for the first time will have to reason things out in their little minds. Also, all those ultra conservative JW's who conduct studies with hairy people will have to explain things TRUTHFULLY, so as not to appear unreasonable. I've actually seen studies come to the meetings for months with facial hair and i LOVE it! Let's piss people off, I say!!
cleveland ohio RC notes
by nowwhat? inpeak attendance 7100. baptised 38 mixed bag of old and young.
youngest age 10. saw no brothers with beards.
better than average .50% growth.
@ UnshackleTheChains. And, this whole time I was told by many brothers that it's allowable for brothers in Europe to grow beards bc it's their "custom" (unlike in the US). I'm quickly figuring out that their reasoning is a copout. It just seems brothers everywhere are realizing that there is nothing wrong with it! In our congregation, all but a few were completely fine with my growing a beard. They simply didn't see what the big deal was.
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cleveland ohio RC notes
by nowwhat? inpeak attendance 7100. baptised 38 mixed bag of old and young.
youngest age 10. saw no brothers with beards.
better than average .50% growth.
@ Rubadub. I've see pics of brothers in California with short beards. I know of many brothers in Oregon with beards. The look is also being seen much more in Washington state. I don't hear of any other parts of the US where it is being seen. Maybe it's a Wild West type mentality.
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cleveland ohio RC notes
by nowwhat? inpeak attendance 7100. baptised 38 mixed bag of old and young.
youngest age 10. saw no brothers with beards.
better than average .50% growth.
JW renaming things: "It's Not this, it's ....."
by Muddy Waters inthis was brought up in another thread, but i thought it should have its own thread.
feel free to add your own observations and experience.
the jws are so duplicit, and they rename things to somehow justify their own irrationalities.
Grooming as a Witness
by Jules Saturn ingrowing up as a teenager, i would occasionally get some counseling for having my hair a bit too long by a couple of elders in the congregation.
one time i cut my hair shorter than usual and one elder said i was cutting it too short!
so it made me feel like anything i did wouldn't satisfy them.
I remember having a public talk scheduled for a Sunday, so on a Saturday afternoon I went and had my haircut. It was a HORRIBLE cut!! So bad, that I thought, there's no way I'm going to a neighboring congregation looking like this!!! So, I took shears to it. I felt it was MUCH better. But no. Not good enough, because after the meeting an elder counseled me on having SHORT hair. I thought, "you just can't please anyone!" 15 years later, he saw me again with the SAME short do he had counseled me on, except he kept silent on the issue.