CrazyGuy, Tri Cities? Spokane? I guess Yakima would be Central WA, so probably not there. Just kidding, I don't need to know where you are, I just wanted to let you know, you're not alone in your neck of the desert
JoinedPosts by Sandino
Continuing congregation mergers
by Are you serious inin the area i live in the pacific northwest, three spanish congregations we're merged into two a couple of years ago and in the next month or so four english congregations will be cut down to three.
both situations happened because of lack of growth.
a few years ago, i would never have imagined spanish congregations disappearing or merging but it's happening.
Continuing congregation mergers
by Are you serious inin the area i live in the pacific northwest, three spanish congregations we're merged into two a couple of years ago and in the next month or so four english congregations will be cut down to three.
both situations happened because of lack of growth.
a few years ago, i would never have imagined spanish congregations disappearing or merging but it's happening.
And, from what I've seen, numbers of baptisms at the assemblies is nothing to write home about.
W5 Investigation
by Christian Gutierrez inhey guys!
i just want you guys to know that today is a really great day.
there are so many jehovah's witnesses that saw this documentary and were disgusted by watchtowers policy.
Hey Christian, I'm PIMO and was able to watch this Monday morning. Needless to say, it made my Monday a whole lot better! Well done to you and your wife. I too hope my loved ones still PIMI, will be hit with questions at the door. Death by a thousand cuts.
Jehovah's Witnesses child sexual abuse cover up gets broadcast across Canadian television.
by Finkelstein inwell the shit has finally hit the fan here in chanda for the jws.. an hour long investigative journalist program called w5 went deep into the jws's pedophilia cover up problems that have been on going for decades within the jws religion.. .
i think its good thing for the public to realize how religions can and will coverup egregious acts which are serious crimes in most countries just to up hold a clean wholesome image around their organizations..
I can only gleefully imagine how the WT's beloved return visits are going to start bringing the issue up at the door. PIMI's are going to have the deer caught in the headlights look for quite some time. Yay!
Growing a beard
by Coded Logic ini've always been currious as to how i would look with a beard so i've finally committed to doing it.
over the next 30 days i'm going to grow out a full chin to ear beard.. .
ps: any suggestions or advice on how to grow a beard would be much appreciated!.
And, when I eat a fully loaded burger, I look just plain disgusting.
Growing a beard
by Coded Logic ini've always been currious as to how i would look with a beard so i've finally committed to doing it.
over the next 30 days i'm going to grow out a full chin to ear beard.. .
ps: any suggestions or advice on how to grow a beard would be much appreciated!.
Bendholz for me. Or however it's spelled. And, with shades, I look like a complete badass. I love it
Growing a beard
by Coded Logic ini've always been currious as to how i would look with a beard so i've finally committed to doing it.
over the next 30 days i'm going to grow out a full chin to ear beard.. .
ps: any suggestions or advice on how to grow a beard would be much appreciated!.
I'm with the "don't shampoo your beard every day" camp. I personally use conditioner daily then pine tar soap once a week or so. I've been told by several of the "friends" that it looks well maintained. I look forward to giving you the "you get it" nod when I see you or anyone else with one.
Preaching From The Platform While Secretly A Satanist
by Teufel inhello one and all.. i've been a lurker on here for a few weeks now and i am finally starting to post on some threads.
a lot of the subjects that i wanted to talk about have already been covered so i wont bother restarting a topic that's been done to death.. im a 3rd generation, born-in, jw.
currently faded.
I feel it's kinda, in a roundabout way similar to my situation, when I gave assignments from the stage. Everyone LOVED my illustrations, but what no one knew is that i had "borrowed" them from a sermon website, that was used by the enemy. Christendom.
Oh Boy! Beards are "stumbling blocks" again ... from Stephen Lett
by freddo inso this week's midweek meeting video about stumbling others has lett spouting and gurning rubbish again.. if you can't take the whole 9 minutes go from 5:50 to get the context and 6:45 for the "beard" mention..
oh, well - at least they shoot themselves in the foot with this doublespeak.
Yeah, the video was interesting to watch as the only bearded individual in the audience. It seemed like time slowed down more than usual at the meeting as Lett spewed out his stupid remarks. But, I felt AWESOME and hoped everyone saw the imaginary middle fingers I had lifted to those flat screens.
Knock! Knock! Sept 2017 Broadcast.
by freddo inplease would someone with more skills than me link to "knock!
" a section of the sept 2017 jborg broadcast at 44.00 mins to 53.00 mins approx.. please watch and add your thoughts.
Charonsdog: This is as real as real gets.
I watched it with some older family members of mine, and they ate it up! I thought "you guys are SO blind!"