The batteries mustve been dead in the Urim and the Thummin
It couldve been divined in an Achan-like way...
jehovah's witnesses used to state other christian denominations go to war and in fact that their religious leaders bless such wars.
they see this as one reason why all other christian denominations are not true christians since they kill one another at war and therefore they don't love one another as stated by jesus in john 13: 34,35.. for example when a roman catholic go to war, he/she is bound to kill a fellow roman catholic in the cause of the war.
therefore roman catholic can't be true christians since its member don't love one another and kill one another at war and as such god cannot be in support of such wars where his worshippers kill one another.. the question that comes for consideration is, has jehovah ever supported wars between his own worshippers?.
The batteries mustve been dead in the Urim and the Thummin
It couldve been divined in an Achan-like way...
i’m reservations, pimo elder.
i’m in no position to leave the organisation, maybe some people will see that as weak or whatever, but we have to all go down our own path in life.. i would like to be able to wake people up in my congregation, how do you think best to do this?
any ideas?.
I quite serving in February. I was consciously looking for a door; a door to get me out of serving and preserve my dignity and honor.
The BoE gave it to me one day and rather than "be yielding" I chose that as my hill to die on and turned in a resignation letter. They called me and asked me not to quit, but did not apologize for the affront or their handling of the matter. I told em to pound sand.
so if a man lets say is heterosexual, married and happy but likes to in the privacy of his own home wear women's cloths and his wife is ok with it.
i know a person could just shut their mouth and who would know but i am talking about jw who is very concerned about telling the truth to the dubbers.
my guess is it would not be a dfing matter but they would not be a ms or elder.
I've always wondered where that leaves the 1 in a 100 (apparently) kids born hermaphrodite (or intersex as they are now known). It's a bit absurd given half the world probably don't even have birth certs. Kind of shows what a western-centric religion this is.
Even if they were born with the appearance of both sets of organs, they are either XX or XY and therefore are really only one or the other.
so if a man lets say is heterosexual, married and happy but likes to in the privacy of his own home wear women's cloths and his wife is ok with it.
i know a person could just shut their mouth and who would know but i am talking about jw who is very concerned about telling the truth to the dubbers.
my guess is it would not be a dfing matter but they would not be a ms or elder.
There was a letter to BoE a few years back that the Congregation could restrict a persons ability to participate in field service if there dress and grooming was sufficiently gender-bending.
Bold statement; Nobody else gets blocked from field service. Even a disfellowshipped person can "preach" after all the ministry is a personal one. Only the congregation would not provide them with literature.
news from
bob dylan live 1975 to be released in november .
columbia records is excited to announce the november release of the bootleg series, vol.
what was your kingdom hall like when it came to overweight witnesses?
i remember counseling some people on their drinking habits.
a few snickered that if we were going to counsel them because they have had way too many at a wedding reception, what about very overweight witnesses that have a lifestyle of overindulgence?
He then went on, again in excruciating detail, about how the Bible describes "drunkenness". IIRC, it was a bunch of stuff from Proverbs about "staggering around" and "eyes seeing strange things".
I was at that School. Our instructor asked if a person blew a 0.08 in a traffic stop was is matter for a JC. Answer was the same; we are only interested in the biblical definition, not (in this case) a legal one.
what was your kingdom hall like when it came to overweight witnesses?
i remember counseling some people on their drinking habits.
a few snickered that if we were going to counsel them because they have had way too many at a wedding reception, what about very overweight witnesses that have a lifestyle of overindulgence?
Anyway, IIRC, the basic idea was that the bible condemns "gluttony", not "obesity". It was more about the attitude toward food as opposed to the quantity.
Po-tay-toe / Po-tah-toe
Wouldnt this carry over to being a drunkard. The bible says drunkards will not inherit the kingdom. It says nothing about the occasional, social, over-drinker?
i'm half listening in on my wife's zoom meeting.
in my decade+ in the org, i don't remember ever getting into such minutia about jw hunting rules.. apparently, it's ok to kill an animal to use its skin as a clothing accessory, but it's not ok to kill an animal to use its antlers as a wall decoration.. not mentioned in the talk: whether or not its ok to kill an animal to wear its antlers as a hat.. .
I had this part. I ended it with 1 Thess 4:11
i just watched that stupid talk by gary while e bro on not using a gun for self defense but it went deeper.
i was that you don't defend yourself against violence.
well ain't that great from an asshat living in a gated and guarded compound.
I guess the WT's own Awake magazine must be lying then: Quote edited to make the point.
*** g 6/08 p. 11 When Is Self-Defense Justified? ***
When You Are Threatened
That was a good article. At the time, i thought it left things open to the conscience of the individual. But, then they wrote the July 2017 QFR which in part says
How a Christian chooses to protect himself, his family, or his possessions is, of course, largely a personal matter, as is his choice of employment. That said, Bible principles reflect God’s wisdom and his love for us. Out of regard for those principles, spiritually mature Christians choose not to keep a firearm for protection against other humans. They know that true and lasting security comes to those who demonstrate trust in God by living in harmony with Bible principles.—Ps. 97:10; Prov. 1:33; 2:6, 7.
As for me and my household, we choose our guns.
im not here to start a debate.. ive heard the above expression countless time over the past year and a half and genuinely want to know what it means.. if you feel this way, do you mean :.
a. there is no covid19 virus?.
b. covid19 is real but not a threat of any kind?.
a. There is no covid19 virus? Covid DOES exist
b. Covid19 is real but not a threat of any kind? Covid is a threat to a small part of the population, not humanity overall.
c. Covid19 is a government conspiracy? Never let a good disaster go to waste. Gov Covid response is a conspiracty
d. All the extra dead people died from natural causes, or something other than covid19? After March / April of 2020 total global deaths returned to pre-covid levels. There have been few "excess deaths" since then.
e. Covid19 is real and a health risk- but not worth worrying about? Definitely not worth worry about. Definitely not worth shutting down the world economy for. Definitely not worth moving towards a socialistic government system
The data already exists. The Delta variant is no more lethal than the flu.
On June 18, Public Health England published its 16th report on "SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England," this time grouping the variants by Greek letters.
As you can see, the Delta variant has a 0.1% case fatality rate (CFR) out of 31,132 Delta sequence infections confirmed by investigators. That is the same rate as the flu and is much lower than the CFR for the ancestral strain or any of the other variants. And as we know, the CFR is always higher than the infection fatality rate (IFR), because many of the mildest and asymptomatic infections go undocumented, while the confirmed cases tend to have a bias toward those who are more evidently symptomatic.
PCR test that use a Cycle rate of more than 30(/) amplify genetic material in your sinus far beyond what you actually have. Positive test result from healthy people. See NY Times article on this subject.