Maybe Rutherford was Gods way of "making the rocks cry out."
JoinedPosts by Greybeard
Judge Rutherford steps off a curb, is struck by a truck and dies.....
by Terry inpastor charles taze russell died on a train outside pampas texas in october of 1916.. shortly afterward a phonecall was placed to j.f.rutherford that "the old man is dead.".
as we all know, rutherford wasted no time.
he engineered a series of moves that placed himself at the helm of a publishing company.
Need help to reason with a JW regarding Jesus TRUE Congregation!
by TimothyT inplease be patient with me on this thread.
im going to try to explain all of this to a jw sister who believes salvation is only within the organisation.
if you have any thoughts and suggestions id most appreciate it.. as i was growing up as a jw, i refused to believe straight from the beginning that you had to be a jw to be saved.
I think you are on the right track Timothy. I am glad to see you still believe in the Bible. As far as sharing your views with JW's, I agree with what others have said here. It will not be easy. It seems to me that some people need a legalistic religion with men telling them what to do. Because they have been taught to read the Watchtower more than the Bible they hardly do read the Bible. If they did, asking for Holy Spirit, it is likely they would soon be asking questions that the WT has no answer for. I was a hard core JW all of my life. There is no way I would have listened to "apostate" words for a second. however, for a long time I prayed for God to not let me be blind. It really bothered me that all these people who were not JW's were going to be destroyed for not "seeing the truth" of the Watchtower. That is about 5 or 6 billion people who would die because they are not Jehovah's Witnesses. If that doesn't bother a JW than they probably will NEVER see the light IMO.
I thought to myself, if I wasn't a JW I would probably never become one based on all the wrong predictions including the generation change. I had these thoughts as a full believing JW. So I prayed for help and I asked Jehovah/YHWH to not let me be blind. It wasn't long after that I found myself disfellowshipped and wrongly so IMO. That was a earth shaker for me. Now I look back on it as a answer to my prayer the way it all happened. I decided sense I wasn't a JW I would now look at everything I could on them. was at the top of my list. A "worldly" friend sent a link to it right after I was DFed. It didn't take me long after that to find out "the truth about that truth." (TTATT)
That was a couple of years ago and my prayerful search for real truth has not stopped sense. As we know the Bible teaches us that God does not desire anyone to die... Jesus said with his father all things are possible. Jehovah can and does change hearts. Romans 11:32 tells us, "For God has locked all people in the prison of their own disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all." "That he may have mercy on them all"? Amen to that! 1 Corinthians 15:22, "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive."
I believe as Adam and Eve chose to eat from the "Tree of Knowledge of good and Evil", we all are still eating of that tree. We are learning God and Evil in this life. Wether you believe in God or not, you are still learning good and bad. It serves Gods purpose to let us learn in this life what it is like to be without him. If God can create LIFE, something NO MAN can do, surly he can resurrect LIFE and all those who have ever died on this planet. The space in the universe is without limit as well as Gods power.
I believe that EVERY knee will bend before Christ Jesus/Yeshua in every nation. I believe God will still show mercy on the nation of Israel and I think that could happen soon. I do not believe there is any Church on this planet that teaches 100% truth. Jesus is the Way, Truth and the Life. He is the only door to the Father and no man. The JW's make a mockery out of rejecting the wine and the bread at the "memorial". That was a command from Christ for all of his followers to take part of and their were no "observers".
I highly recommend that every X-JW read the PDF found on this web site and watch the videos: This web site shows how the Bible holds out hope for ALL of mankind. This view or belief was an answer to my prayer. I have nothing to do with this web site but I do see things this way. I lean towards universal salvation through Christ Jesus. This PDF or book tells why.
I also write for and agree with most written on that site.
Take care my brother,
Today's Watchtower Study is SO dumb!!!
by TimothyT ini would like to think of myself as an academic.
im starting my second degree and i enjoy research.
when i see a statement backed up by references and support from a credible source, sometimes i get excited.
Thanks everyone for the welcome. Nice to see you too SIAM. Looks like this is the place to be...
I know I'm not alone, but damn do I feel lonely now...
by OneDayillBeFree ini have been meaning to post my experience at the pioneer school and i will as soon as time permits but theres something that has happened recently in my life that has impacted me in such a horrible way that i just have to get off my chest.. as you may know ive been trying to fade.
its very hard.
hard as hell.
I know how this kind of heart ache can tear a young person apart. Most of us have been there. I sure have a few times in my life... Even though the pain might seam to be endless, trust us, it does go away. The sooner you pick yourself up and meet new friends, another girl friend, the sooner you will feel better. I had a young friend that decided on a permanent solution to his temporary problem. He made a very bad choice. Just remember ALL of this is only temporary and in time, YOU WILL get over it. All my family are Jdubs but I have made new friends and some who were dubs. This girl wont forget the things she knows and she still might come out but take this as a warning... She's not thinking straight. I think she did you a favor. Life is like a roller coaster with ups and downs and scary sections. The more you ride it the less fear you have and in time you really learn to enjoy the ride.
Hold your head up high!
Best wishes for you!
Today's Watchtower Study is SO dumb!!!
by TimothyT ini would like to think of myself as an academic.
im starting my second degree and i enjoy research.
when i see a statement backed up by references and support from a credible source, sometimes i get excited.
Of Course I AM KIDDING... I better confess that before I get the boot LOL
I thought it was obvious... but one never knows...
Today's Watchtower Study is SO dumb!!!
by TimothyT ini would like to think of myself as an academic.
im starting my second degree and i enjoy research.
when i see a statement backed up by references and support from a credible source, sometimes i get excited.
@ Sab
What? "brown nosing role play", "Super Bowl trophies" and "original pieces of artwork litter"? YOU are a despicable fool and mentally diseased Apostate!
Today's Watchtower Study is SO dumb!!!
by TimothyT ini would like to think of myself as an academic.
im starting my second degree and i enjoy research.
when i see a statement backed up by references and support from a credible source, sometimes i get excited.
@ Alfred?
What? Where have you been Alfred? Everyone on this planet knows they predicted Christ's return and the end of the world in 1914 and WW1 happened right on time! That was proof that Jesus started ruling in heaven. Satan was kicked out of heaven at that time and he started WW1. Not long after that, Jesus chose Russell as his first FDS to lead JW's to the promise land. Maybe YOU had wrong expectations but EVERYTHING they have said clearly has came true! For they are Gods "mouth piece" and messengers! I suggest YOU get with the program buddy! Stop looking on the internet and research your Watchtower!
Today's Watchtower Study is SO dumb!!!
by TimothyT ini would like to think of myself as an academic.
im starting my second degree and i enjoy research.
when i see a statement backed up by references and support from a credible source, sometimes i get excited.
Haven't you noticed that every thing the say comes true? Why would you doubt them? Isaiah 44:26, “the One making the word of his servant come true, and the One that carries out completely the counsel of his own messengers.”
Calling all "Mentally Diseased" Apostates!!
by serenitynow! inlol!.
next sunday is the wt discussion of the infamous july 15th study article "will you heed jehovah's clear warnings?".
i am pretty curious to see how the congregation comments on the material.
I have watched a few of your video's. I can see your heart ache and I really feel for you and all Jdubs like us. You really do pour your heart out. I wish I could be more open like you. I have been fading for about 2 years... Check out this song here if you get a chance:
who does the society consider as apostates?
by booby infrom their literature as source.
i did some searching and was surprised that i couldn't find them referring to those who simply quit and/or speak their doubts as such..
Watchtower 2006 2/15
Questions From Readers
"What three dangers was Jesus warning against at Matthew 5:22 ?.....
What, then, did the expression “despicable fool” signify? The word used here sounded similar to a Hebrew term that means “rebellious,” or “mutinous.” It designates a person as morally worthless, an apostate and a rebel against God. So the person addressing his fellow as a “despicable fool” is as much as saying that his brother should receive a punishment fit for a rebel against God, everlasting destruction. From God’s standpoint, the one uttering such a condemnation against another could merit that severe sentence—everlasting destruction—himself.— Deuteronomy 19:17-19 .
Consequently, Jesus was setting a higher standard for his followers than that found in the principles behind the Mosaic Law. While people believed that a murderer would be “accountable to the court of justice,” Jesus went further. He taught that his followers should avoid even harboring animosity against their brothers.— Matthew 5:21 , 22 .”
So according to the Watchtower an apostate is a "rebel against God" and calling someone a "despicable fool" is equal to calling them an apostate." Apparently Jesus words at Matthew 5:22 doesn't apply to them!