When I was in Alaska I really wondered why God would make 1" size mosquitoes. Guess what I did? I put on some mosquito repellent. I was at a beach the same day a person was killed by a great white shark. She was swimming with a group of seals way out from shore. I don't swim with sharks and try to avoid drinking water with parasites or swimming with leaches in piranha infested waters. I am happy we are not running from Tyrannosaurus Rex or 6 foot flying mosquitoes. I try to avoid walking off cliffs and any danger I can. I try to eat right and live a healthy life and that is not easy. Yes there are millions of things in this world that can kill us. It's like a huge video game and you better pay attention or you will be history. Who knows, I wouldn't be surprised if we chose to have our memory erased and be born here! Maybe we get many life's!
Why can't God create a world like this if he want's to? Could it be to him death does not exist? Could the spark of life go on as the Bible indicates it does? A bird, without any teaching, knows how to build very complicated homes/nests high in the trees to raise it's young. They sit on eggs and turn them then raise their young. Where did they learn to do this? Who programed this into them? Could they have lived before? We can't explain the cycle of life or how it started nor can man create life from non living mater.
Should God have made a world where there are no cliffs, no dangers at all? Wouldn't people complain about that? Is that the kind of world you would have chosen? Do they make video games like that? Maybe they do but I bet few adults play them.
A ugly caterpillar with many legs changing into a beautiful butterfly with a few legs and wings that can fly is a inexcusable miracle in my opinion among many.
I don't want to debate the subject. Been there done that.
Peace out