Hi Still Stuck Cruz,
I like to keep it REAL simple. She has been programed and if you answer her questions verbatim they will go in one ear and out the other just like every other JW. That is the way they are programed. She is asking you these questions to TEACH YOU, not because she doesn't have the answers.
You need to turn this around and make her do the work. I would share Isaiah 44:26 with her, as regards YHWH it says, "... the One making the word of his servant come true, and the One that carries out completely the counsel of his own messengers." The question is, can this be applied to JW's? Everyone knows the answer to that question. Isn't that the reason most of us no longer believe them? We are tired of them crying wolf! They are False Prophets! Another thing I would ask her is how would she feel if Jehovah killed billions of people who never became JW's because of the JW's many False Prophecies and flip flops? Is Jehovah really that unjust? Maybe even print some of the Watchtower quotes off of jwfacts.com where they did claim to be "Jehovah's prophet" and "mouth piece". Jesus told us we are to have no leader besides him.
Best wishes,