Luke 6: 32-37, “ And if YOU love those loving YOU , of what credit is it to YOU ? For even the sinners love those loving them . And if YOU do good to those doing good to YOU , really of what credit is it to YOU ? Even the sinners do the same . Also, if YOU lend [without interest] to those from whom YOU hope to receive, of what credit is it to YOU ? Even sinners lend [without interest] to sinners that they may get back as much. To the contrary, continue to love YOUR enemies and to do good and to lend [without interest], not hoping for anything back; and YOUR reward will be great, and YOU will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind toward the unthankful and wicked . Continue becoming merciful, just as YOUR Father is merciful. “Moreover, stop judging, and YOU will by no means be judged; and stop condemning, and YOU will by no means be condemned. Keep on releasing, and YOU will be released."
JoinedPosts by Greybeard
WBT$ = They are watching us!
by punkofnice inare the wbt$ spies watching us?
i like to think we are guiding them although they hate us so much they are even suggesting we should be killed!
they have already called us 'mentally diseased'.. on the forums and elsewhere we've seen this quote many times =.
Why have you remained theists?
by Silent_Scream ini realize many on this forum are atheist, and theres many threads to show why.
some believe creationist lack knowledge or understanding and that we are too ignorant to realize there isn't a creator.. i have studied (not in depth) first year college science, and am studying medical/health currently.
i am also very interested in astronomy, and have learned a little in that area.
1 Corinthians 8: 2-3, " If anyone thinks he has acquired knowledge of something, he does not yet know it just as he ought to know it. But if anyone loves God, this one is known by him."
Why have you remained theists?
by Silent_Scream ini realize many on this forum are atheist, and theres many threads to show why.
some believe creationist lack knowledge or understanding and that we are too ignorant to realize there isn't a creator.. i have studied (not in depth) first year college science, and am studying medical/health currently.
i am also very interested in astronomy, and have learned a little in that area.
@ startingover,
What insults? Don't pretend this is our first go around partner. You know what insults. Now how about you hop back up on your horse and mosey along. There ain't anyone here trying to make your day. Happy trails to you!
Why have you remained theists?
by Silent_Scream ini realize many on this forum are atheist, and theres many threads to show why.
some believe creationist lack knowledge or understanding and that we are too ignorant to realize there isn't a creator.. i have studied (not in depth) first year college science, and am studying medical/health currently.
i am also very interested in astronomy, and have learned a little in that area.
@ startingover
Like I said before to you brother, "sticks and stones"... For a person that only uses "logic and reason and not emotion" you sure do come off with some nice insults. I believe this last post of yours is clear indication that you also are guided by emotion even though you don't realize it. You took what I said as an insult when actually I meant it as a complement. Put that gun back in it's holster partner!
Why have you remained theists?
by Silent_Scream ini realize many on this forum are atheist, and theres many threads to show why.
some believe creationist lack knowledge or understanding and that we are too ignorant to realize there isn't a creator.. i have studied (not in depth) first year college science, and am studying medical/health currently.
i am also very interested in astronomy, and have learned a little in that area.
@ ShadesofGray
Welcome to the forum! I am new too. I am a Christian. As far as "mutual respect" on this forum goes. I believe you will receive respect from both Christians and atheists as well as lack there of from both. This is a X-JW forum and their are many who no longer believe in God. I can understand why they feel the way they do. Like yourself, at one time, it bothered me very much when they dropped into a thread like this. Rather than get upset about it I try to be loving and not get offended no matter how offensive the person tries to be. At times it is not easy and I have lost it on other forums in the past. Even though most here are no longer JW's, I still try to view everyone as my brothers and sisters. Some as spiritual and some physical. Our loving response could be the only thing that wins them over to Christ. Love never fails. In my opinion, the true definition of an atheist is "a person that does not believe in God yet."
Your brother in Christ,
I Called the Headquarters About the "Slaughter of Apostates" Quote
by DT inin case you haven't heard, the november 15, 2011 watchtower, page 5 made this comment.
"today, no servant of jehovah uses physical force against opponents of pureworship.
"vengeance is mine," god says.
"I have emailed the author and asked him if he would like to comment on how the Watchtower Society has used his words."
GREAT IDEA! I can't wait to hear what he has to say!!!
I have a question, please re Matthew 24:45
by N.drew inone of the most interesting aspect of bible i have found is pronouns.. all i know about foreign language i get off the internet.
so my question, for them who know, is the "who" at matthew 24:45,. does it imply "which one?
" or does it tilt toward "describe".. in other words does it mean, identify, or does it mean, getting a profile.. in english we can say "who" is that person in the crowd?.
These are "types" of Christians and the wheat grow with the weeds. You have those who are "faithful and discreet" and you have those who say, "my master is delaying" and beat their fellows slaves. The Watchtower started beating it's fellow slaves soon after 1914. Likewise they have focused beatings on fellow slaves after every failed prediction. Now we are feeling the beating because of the generation change. If the GB really believed it's own teachings they would have stuck with the generation teaching down to the end just like Russell stuck with 1914. The truth is, the 1914 generation is not dead yet. They changed the understanding in essence saying "our master is delaying" and have proceeded to beat their fellow slaves again! They don't believe their own teachings and do not stand by them!
Help me to answer a few questions for a current JW?
by stillstuckcruz ini'm talking to this girl right now who is technically still a witness.
she doenst go to the meetings anymore but not because she does not feel its the truth.
her parents are no longer witnesses and i want to get her to see the truth about the "truth" before she decides to go back in.
Hi Still Stuck Cruz,
I like to keep it REAL simple. She has been programed and if you answer her questions verbatim they will go in one ear and out the other just like every other JW. That is the way they are programed. She is asking you these questions to TEACH YOU, not because she doesn't have the answers.
You need to turn this around and make her do the work. I would share Isaiah 44:26 with her, as regards YHWH it says, "... the One making the word of his servant come true, and the One that carries out completely the counsel of his own messengers." The question is, can this be applied to JW's? Everyone knows the answer to that question. Isn't that the reason most of us no longer believe them? We are tired of them crying wolf! They are False Prophets! Another thing I would ask her is how would she feel if Jehovah killed billions of people who never became JW's because of the JW's many False Prophecies and flip flops? Is Jehovah really that unjust? Maybe even print some of the Watchtower quotes off of where they did claim to be "Jehovah's prophet" and "mouth piece". Jesus told us we are to have no leader besides him.
Best wishes,
I have a question, please re Matthew 24:45
by N.drew inone of the most interesting aspect of bible i have found is pronouns.. all i know about foreign language i get off the internet.
so my question, for them who know, is the "who" at matthew 24:45,. does it imply "which one?
" or does it tilt toward "describe".. in other words does it mean, identify, or does it mean, getting a profile.. in english we can say "who" is that person in the crowd?.
Jesus spoke using parables all of the time as we all know. Matthew 24:45 is talking about a type of slave not a specific slave revealed 1900 years later. What ever the case, the Bible students were not "wise" or "discreet" according to the Watchtower itself. If a JW were to believe most of what they taught back then they would be disfellowshipped. What did the "food at the proper time" they served really amount to? False prophecies and tongue lashing their brothers with hateful speech. Has anything changed? They continue to put forth hate speech and condemn all who do not swallow every last drop of their "food at the proper time". The words of Gods messengers come true as Isaiah 44:26 tells us speaking of YHWH, "... the One making the word of his servant come true, and the One that carries out completely the counsel of his own messengers." How can this group claim to be Gods messengers? It is truly laughable!
The Huffington Post has picked up the mentally diseased story!!!!
by discreetslave injust posted by vampire665 on facebook.
And now a song from the GB!!!