Imagine a creator who created billions of Earth like planets in a HUGE experiment lasting billions of years.
What form of goverment would win in the long run? Would good or evil prevail in the end? Who would survive?
imagine a creator who created billions of earth like planets in a huge experiment lasting billions of years.
what form of goverment would win in the long run?
would good or evil prevail in the end?
Imagine a creator who created billions of Earth like planets in a HUGE experiment lasting billions of years.
What form of goverment would win in the long run? Would good or evil prevail in the end? Who would survive?
i've just uploaded a new video in my series of short films that examine some of the more outlandish remarks of governing body member anthony morris iii from the platform.
(before you ask, yes i do intend to move on to another governing body eventually, but i'm not done just yet!).
this latest video looks at the society's relationship with the media.
Loved it! Thanks Cedars
is it possible to criticize wt concerning questions of consience for a witness?
for instant concerning education?
love healthworker.
or do they only help their own members ?.
is there anything in their publications that seems to cast a negative view on feeding the poor ?.
Jehovah Witnesses go a little further than most by placing a expiration date on their spiritual food. Most all of the spiritual food they have given out has expired. That is why ALL JW's are spiritually sick and take anti depression meds.
or do they only help their own members ?.
is there anything in their publications that seems to cast a negative view on feeding the poor ?.
LOL, Are you kidding???
The Watchtower excepts charity but it does NOT give it.
The world donates blood and JW's will take "blood fractions" to save thier own lives but they will not give "blood fractions"...
What a joke.
There were no "Kingdom Halls" in Jesus day and Christians "had everything in common" (Acts 2:44) so why the need for all the real estate? If the BILLIONS in real estate that the WT owns was sold, how many people could this feed/save/cure? Jesus said to give your riches to the poor and follow him. He never asked for riches like the religions today do.
the entire time i was gone it was nagging at me.
i hadn't been previously baptized, so leaving wasn't that big a deal.
now i'm back in the swing of it, going to all meetings and field service.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!
Is 44:26"he One making the word of his servant come true, and the One that carries out completely the counsel of his own messengers."
Has Jehovah made the words of THESE messengers come true? Has he carried out completely the counsel of THESE messengers? We all know the answer is NO, HOW CAN THEY BE GODS TRUE MESSENGERS???
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Stoners cry out all the time about the tree of life.
so, i dont know if this has been posted/addressed here...but watching this whole jackson family thing play out in the public eye is surreal.. the press assume that the only reason mj's brothers and janet are contesting his will and want control of the kids, is money.. seriously...mj's bros and sisters dont need his money: his bros get paid everytime you hear a jackson 5 song.
they're all millionaires.. janet is loaded.
but, the media doesnt know what we they assume that the only reason they'd want mj's kids is for the $$$$ that come along with them as part of the deal.. we know better.. i believe a big amount of respect is due to janet and jermaine and the rest of the gang...theyre trying to rescue those kids from a jw brainwashing fate.. i'd bet money on it.. they say janet was trying to convince paris to willingly leave her grandmothers home and come with them.. im telling you...they're trying to save those kids.. and as any of you who have close family still in the cult can attest to, we apostates are some of the most loving, long-suffering people on the many of us publicly hold our tongues repeatedly when it comes to that cult, because we dont want to hurt mom, or dad, or kids, or siblings.
I know I'm behind the times here but... I found it hard to believe MJ wanted his 80 YR old mother to have custody of his kids. What does that say about MJ's opinion of his brothers and sisters? What kind of a parent can a 80 YR old person be? She goes away and turns OFF her cell phone? The kids can't even contact her? Whats up with that? I wont even do that for one hour and my kids are grown and gone! I do believe it is all about money. The more money rich people get, the more they want. Money has torn apart my JW family. MJ had so much moola he didn't know what to do with it all... Turns out IT WASN'T ENOUGH... He had to go back to work to make MORE! Look at the father, a lover of money and fame... Who can't see that? Don't get me wrong. I LOVE MJ and this family. I feel for them all. It is to bad the mother has not learned TTATT.
Edit: By saying, "Its all about money" I do not believe this family dosn't care about the children. I believe they do... I just believe that money is a HUGE motivating factor... But what do I know?
why did you become a jehovah's witness ?.
initially upon entering the religion what were the positive things you experienced ?.
how did that particular way of thinking both benefit and harm you ?.
You make some good points 00DAD
why did you become a jehovah's witness ?.
initially upon entering the religion what were the positive things you experienced ?.
how did that particular way of thinking both benefit and harm you ?.
Am I the only person here who masturbated at a young age and thought I would never have sex with a woman because I most likely will die at armageddon for playing with myself???
Sorry, I just had to ask that LOL… But hey, I'm trying to be honest here and I only did it one time. (Lightning strikes Greybeard) Both my parents started studying with JW's when I was about 2 years old. I believed it 100% and never asked questions. It really did bother me that all these "worldly" people were going to die if I didn't get out there and warn them like Noah warned people before the flood. However, the real reason I rushed getting baptized was I wanted to DATE GIRLS AND GET MARRIED! I wanted IT, I didn't want to be deprived of IT. (1 Corinthians 7:5, do not be depriving each other of IT.) I didn't want Armagedon to deprive me of IT. I took the dunk at 17 and got married at 18. I set a new record for getting married young in our area and it became a trend. I also thought baptism would forgive/remove all my sins and assure my 5 acre parcel in paradise among the billions resurrected that we were going to teach the troof too.
My father was an elder most of my life and my brother became one young bless his heart. My father-in-law was a high-up elder with friends in "high places"… My in-laws were in our marriage causing problems from day one. It was a total nightmare. I tried my best to be the good JW and I had the "pioneer spirit" but didn't pioneer much and felt guilty for that. I just could not justify not pioneering before Jehovah. I was very good at the door and defending what I believed to be the "TRUTH". I had the talent and ability to preach but for some reason, it never took first place in my life like it was supposed to. Maybe deep down I didn't really believe YHWH was going to kill all of these beautiful people. IDK...
After seeing all of the hypocrisy among the elders, especially my father-in-law, I lost all desire to be an elder. I could have been one very easily and they were always pushing me to "reach out" but something inside told me I would be better off if I didn't reach for that goal. I had many elder and MS friends but I just didn't feel like joining the competition.
Depression set into my life big time. I LOVED music, was in a few JW bands… (and we were good if I must say myself)… I loved to drink because it took away my guilt feelings and made me feel ok with myself and the world around me. Later in life this became a real hard habit to break and now I have over two years of sobriety.
I was wrongly DF'ed (IMO) for drinking. I was begging the Elders not to DF me balling my eyes out in repentance but they had their minds made up. I was a hard boy to catch, then I got a DUI. I reported it to them and they said, "The only reason you reported it was because it is public knowledge. We are handing you over to Satan." The elders never gave me any real help from alcoholism. They gave me some REAL stupid advice for sure a few times. MY PO told me to take a photo of myself then give it to all the stores that sell alcohol and tell them not to sell to me. He was 1000% serious. So Satan uses AA? I found AA and the rest is history...
Music is a huge part of my life and I hope to soon record another album that will focus on Recovery, Love, Forgiveness and TTATT. If it wasn't for the people at AA I don't know what would have happened to me. Like most of us, I still have tons of baggage the WT/JWorg has inflicted on my life. I am VERY sad because all of my JW family treat me as an "apostate". However I am moving on with my life and learning new things.
I told my family it is impossible for me to believe false prophets. We are supposed to be in paradise already. Come on! Wasn't that "Gods promise"??? The generation change baffled me. Overlapping Generations? Tell me another one please! I was counting on the big A to solve all my problems if by some freak chance I made it.
Now, with no higher education and no preparation for retirement I find myself growing old. Thanks Watchtower for all your lies! Only arrogant bullies would tell the lies you have and not man up to admit how wrong they were. My biggest problem my entire life was being to frigging honest. Have you seen the movie, "Liar Liar"? Thats me, "I CAN"T LIE" or I WILL DIE AT ARMAGEDDON!
Sorry for the book lol,
I love you people here on JWN. You feel like family to me. We all were victims of mind rape.
Love always,