Do Jehovah's Witnesses feed the starving in third world countries

by Gnosis 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gnosis

    Do they ?

    Or do they only help their own members ?

    Is there anything in their publications that seems to cast a negative view on feeding the poor ?

  • the-illuminator81

    They don't give the poor little african children food, but they do give them amazing, lifesaving advice. If you're hungry, sick and out of work, just pray to Jehovah, go to all the meetings and spend lots of time in field service and everything will be well.

    Lately though, when a certain catastrophe is big in the US news and it's in the neighborhood (katrina, haiti) they might send a few trucks over and guilt some sheep into helping to build houses over there. But usually they don't do shit and they don't care about the rest of the world either.

  • Pistoff

    Please, the WT does NOT have any agency in place ANYWHERE to feed the poor.

    Other religions spend their money on hospitals, clinics, etc; the WT has spent their excess cash on real estate in NYC and elsewhere, and is now cashing out.

    If they had a real charity in place they would scream it from the rooftops, but they don't.

    They don't want the rank and file to participate in charities either, they consider it a waste of time and money, and focus it all on 'preaching'.

    When I ran a business as owners we would contribute to United Way when the envelopes came around, and asked our witness employees if they wanted to kick in.

    Oh, no, they would say; United Way supports abortions, they support gays, blah blah blah.

    Always some reason to not give.

    It was the attitude that always stood out to me; charities were a WASTE of time and money.

    That is what I remember as the common view of charities, coming from an entire life of being a witness.

    If they have a charity that feeds the poor, regardless of religion, I would love to see proof.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Give to the poor? Feed the poor? Help the poor materially?

    No, they give and feed to the poor "spiritual food".

    There may be some, as individuals that do that , but I've never heard about it.

    And from what I understand, The Big Boys In Bklyn didn't get involved with natural disasters until they found out that R&F members were doing it on their own. Then they began to organize assistance after disasters.

    Charity? Charitable works? Soup kitchens? Education?

    The WTS seems to believe the only education any one needs is Bible education to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The only charity the WTS subscribes to is for themselves.

    If I am wrong someone please correct me. Like Pistoff, I would like to see proof.

    For many months this thought has nagged at me. How does the WTS get away with being a Charitable Org? Free magazines?

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    It seems to me that the only genuine charity, rebuilds after natural disasters only happen with hastily assembled resources from neibouring countries. They are rarely funded from WT coffers. Big hearted people arrive on their own ticket and muck in. Generous people donate towards the issue. The society takes the credit. Sometimes, randomly a non-witness gets their house rebuilt (that always makes the WT).

    In short, individuals give mightily. The WT protects it's resources.

  • mP

    In the aspect of charity the WT is one if not the worst religions out there. Have they ever helped anyone ?

  • wasblind

    Is there anything in their publications that seems to cast a negative view on feeding the poor ?_____Gnosis

    They do not look on feedin' the poor as somthin' negative, but they don't see it as vital as spiritual food



    YOU MIGHT REPLY :__________Reasoning book page 207

    " We have observed that there is something that can transform a person's entire outlook on life, and that knowledge of what the bible shows to be the real purpose of life and what the future holds."________Reasoning book page 208

    That's right, don't worry 'bout goin' hungry, just make out like a bird flyin' from pillar to post

    or like a lillie in the field, and jus' wait on somethin' to eat until the kingdom come

    This ain't the real life, so you ain't really hungry

    And if anyones stomach is growlin', Jus' snack on somethin' " spiritual " until then


  • clarity

    " If I am wrong someone please correct me. Like Pistoff, I would like to see proof"...

    Rip ........ from what I have seen for 50 yrs.... you are right on!


    Within my 1st month at a kh, a speaker from the platform said " don't give to 'these' charitable orgs

    because if you do, the government will be happy about that. Then they won't have to pay anything"!!!!!!!!!!!


    The mentality is that ..... the people are going to die soon (ritearoundthecorner) anyway .....

    so why worry about it!


    And yes wt has much better things to spend their our money on,

    .... all that lovely realestate in NY!!!!


  • on the rocks
    on the rocks

    I am from 3rd world country...they absolutely do nothing.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    As a former elder I can tell you that we would "counsel" anyone who was known to have donated to such an organization (one that helps feed the poor)

    We would tell them that these organizations were under the direct control of Satan and at the very best, all they would bring is temporary relief. We would point out that they are very corrupt and most of the money never reaches the poor people you are trying to help.

    We would also remind them that when they donate to promote the kingdom worldwide work, ALL of their money goes toward furthering KINGDOM interests and that the benefits will LAST FOREVER.

    There were two different individuals that I remembering counselling like this. I wonder what they are thinking now if they have got wind of the millions of dollars of their donations that have gone to pay people for their silence in child abuse settlements over the years. Not exactly ALL of their money going toward the worldwide work is it?

    The Oracle

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