About the time I was kicked from that forum... They blocked me for one month... I don't hold back sometimes and no doubt, they were offeded by my crazy stupidity... I might have asked them why they spend so much time on the forum preaching athiesm? Do you have anything better to do then remove peoples hope because you have none? Go fishing or camping Cowboys ... would be my advice to them but seams they don't like to get out much... That was rude of me to say those things...
I started this forum about 3 hours or so ago, almost up to 777 hits lol... wow? JACK POT RING A DING DING... JUST KIDDING PUT YOUR GUNS DOWN!!!!! I love to joe around don't ya know bro
Has anyone ever heard the Watchtower put DOWN the NEW WORLD ORDER? Hell, I'm crazy enough to even believe the new world order is ran by Athiests.... How crazy is that? I just hope the man who runs this website don't block this here COWBOY Cuz I can start another website forum if you want me off your ranch... Yeah whatever YOU do. DO NOT PARTAKE OF THE TREE OF LIFE... Go see one of those NEW WORLD ORDER APROOOOVED Doctors ok? They might wanna give you some Kemo Koolaid on YOUR DEATH BED TO SAVE YOUR STUPID BUTT, sorry but those Cowboys... Well I just don't trust all these aithest who hate stupid people... sorry man, not saying you hate me... I just don't buy into anyone who preaches Aithiesm. I Furkin KNOW BETTER than that for some reason... I KNOW... Im going to burn some SAGE and SMOKE SOME WEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDD With Cheech and Chong.... CuZ I B CRAZY... Don't you CAWBOYS COME SHOOTING AT THIS COWBOY... I don't wanna die yet, I HAVE SEARCH HIGH AND LOW TO SAVE MY COWBOY FAMILY. Believe what YOU WANT, I DON'T CARE, JUST DO NOT STAND IN Y WAY... I HAVE A FAMILY I A CULT AND IM GOING IN FOR YOU AND ME. SO PARTNER... Forgive me... Darn it... my stupid cap locks was on... I know how that ofends some of you... Didn't mean to do that..