Right on Simon, thank you very much! Your a cool dude! I'll be more careful from now on and take a look at the rules. Again I apologize.
Right on Simon, thank you very much! Your a cool dude! I'll be more careful from now on and take a look at the rules. Again I apologize.
Dear Simon
With all due respect, I am confused, could you please explain to me what it is I have said that violates your rules on this forum? Just like blood transfusions is a huge issue among Jehovah Witness's, The right to take Cannabis as a medication is also a huge issue and getting larger among JWs and all religions. My fight is against hypocritical dictators who use double standards to control people and information. I thought we were on the same side to be honest, freedom fighters and truth seekers... but I recall your views on Cannabis so maybe that's the real issue here. Whatever the case, I thank you for this website and all the years of hard work you have put into it. I admire you for that and if I have violated any rule of yours it was by mistake and I apologize. It is clear you allow "advertising" on this website, is this a money issue?
Thank you James,
I am just getting into recording on my computer. I have a new Mac. No moola right now to get much equipment so I am starting off making my demos and writing with Garageband. I am having fun with it. I have a few irons in the fire and I hope to put a new CD out within a year. I would like to hear what you are doing.
Talk to you latter bro
Works for me ;)
Just added another webisode at the beach
Just made this cheep ass video demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4dX_vFR2ZU&feature=youtu.be
I like dreaming :)
You got to PEE to be FREE here, its hard to get a job unless you pee. However there are ways around all that. You can youtube it. As long as you have a card you can get it from a licensed dispensary. It really needs to be more FREE... The only way the goverment will be happy is if they can tax it... They would need to tax the hell out of it because they will loose money in other ways for sure. O well... Welcome to disfuctional EARTH!
I'll meet you there but give me some time to get ready to tour first bro, I'll bring the show. Cannabis Witness Live!
If they think Michael Jackson was a BAD Jehovah Witness, wait untill they see this BAD Jehovah Witness! I will bring in 40,000,000 stoners and stone em! ;)