Sorry if this has been asked before but I would love to know the current ratio on this forum.
I'm a Believer/Christian former JW for 45 years... born in
What are you now and what were you?
sorry if this has been asked before but i would love to know the current ratio on this forum.. i'm a believer/christian former jw for 45 years... born in .
what are you now and what were you?.
Sorry if this has been asked before but I would love to know the current ratio on this forum.
I'm a Believer/Christian former JW for 45 years... born in
What are you now and what were you?
i know that i've had a hard time piecing things back together after losing my wife and family a couple years ago and haven't really gotten the ball rolling to say the least.
just curious to hear if anyone else is in the same boat, or was in the same boat and how long it took them to get a "new life" figured out and going..
@ transhuman68
AA has helped me too. I have 1.5 years sobriety now. JW's didn't help a lick... I love the people at AA big time. I haven't been to the Kingdom Hall in 1.5 years too so I am sure that has much to do with my sobriety. I was always depressed at the Hall... Never felt worthy...
here is why, even though i no longer agree with most of what the gb/wt/jw's teach, i still feel especially close to all of us who were apart of this group.
born in or converted.
we all have had the same life experience of being raised in a over bearing mind controlling cult.
Was that a thread killer?
you gotta admire the skill manifest in the watchtower's deception skills.
don't kid yourself, even the gestapo, in internal documents found after the war, found the magazines to be well crafted in the field of propaganda.. the latest deceptions?
well, there's the nov. awake magazine with its cover asking, "is belief in a creator reasonable".
you gotta admire the skill manifest in the watchtower's deception skills.
don't kid yourself, even the gestapo, in internal documents found after the war, found the magazines to be well crafted in the field of propaganda.. the latest deceptions?
well, there's the nov. awake magazine with its cover asking, "is belief in a creator reasonable".
When I was in Alaska I really wondered why God would make 1" size mosquitoes. Guess what I did? I put on some mosquito repellent. I was at a beach the same day a person was killed by a great white shark. She was swimming with a group of seals way out from shore. I don't swim with sharks and try to avoid drinking water with parasites or swimming with leaches in piranha infested waters. I am happy we are not running from Tyrannosaurus Rex or 6 foot flying mosquitoes. I try to avoid walking off cliffs and any danger I can. I try to eat right and live a healthy life and that is not easy. Yes there are millions of things in this world that can kill us. It's like a huge video game and you better pay attention or you will be history. Who knows, I wouldn't be surprised if we chose to have our memory erased and be born here! Maybe we get many life's!
Why can't God create a world like this if he want's to? Could it be to him death does not exist? Could the spark of life go on as the Bible indicates it does? A bird, without any teaching, knows how to build very complicated homes/nests high in the trees to raise it's young. They sit on eggs and turn them then raise their young. Where did they learn to do this? Who programed this into them? Could they have lived before? We can't explain the cycle of life or how it started nor can man create life from non living mater.
Should God have made a world where there are no cliffs, no dangers at all? Wouldn't people complain about that? Is that the kind of world you would have chosen? Do they make video games like that? Maybe they do but I bet few adults play them.
A ugly caterpillar with many legs changing into a beautiful butterfly with a few legs and wings that can fly is a inexcusable miracle in my opinion among many.
I don't want to debate the subject. Been there done that.
Peace out
here is why, even though i no longer agree with most of what the gb/wt/jw's teach, i still feel especially close to all of us who were apart of this group.
born in or converted.
we all have had the same life experience of being raised in a over bearing mind controlling cult.
I am happy to see all the warm replies.
Sense my fade I have felt much closer to what I at one time called "worldly" people. They are not the "evil" people I was programed to believe. I have noticed their are many who feel the way we do such as x-mormons and x-catholics. To me it seams x-jws have a closer bond but maybe thats just me. IDK...
I like what Peter said at Acts 10:28, "and he said to them: “YOU well know how unlawful it is for a Jew to join himself to or approach a man of another race; and yet God has shown me I should call no man defiled or unclean."
If only the Watchtower felt that way!!! Somehow they just over look these kinds of scriptures.
Another favorite scripture of mine they never quote is Romans 11:32, "For God has shut them all up together in disobedience, that he might show ALL of them mercy."
1 Corinthians 15:22, "For just as in Adam ALL are dying, so also in the Christ ALL will be made alive."
That is two strong scriptures you will NOT hear the Watchtower comment much at all on! I wonder why???
Your brother,
here is why, even though i no longer agree with most of what the gb/wt/jw's teach, i still feel especially close to all of us who were apart of this group.
born in or converted.
we all have had the same life experience of being raised in a over bearing mind controlling cult.
Why the somber face?
I was joking with you. I am not an advocate of reincarnation but I don't believe it is impossible do you?
Hey wait a dog-gone minute MR! Are you trying to hijack this thread?
I'm running out of posts dag-nab-it!
Limit is 10 in 24hrs
here is why, even though i no longer agree with most of what the gb/wt/jw's teach, i still feel especially close to all of us who were apart of this group.
born in or converted.
we all have had the same life experience of being raised in a over bearing mind controlling cult.
Would anyone care for some blood pudding? I'm going to pass but just thought I would ask. If not we have cookies with fractions in them.
here is why, even though i no longer agree with most of what the gb/wt/jw's teach, i still feel especially close to all of us who were apart of this group.
born in or converted.
we all have had the same life experience of being raised in a over bearing mind controlling cult.
ROTFLMAO @ Diest very funny!
It's ok AnneB, you can have some meatloaf
Wow, only one NO so far! I think thats great! I hear you exwhyzee
@ startingover, Did I wrong you in some past life? Why do I get the feeling I know you? I LOVE Atheists!!! They make me laugh the LOUDEST!
To everyone else, I am so glad to hear you feel the same way
Keep posting
here is why, even though i no longer agree with most of what the gb/wt/jw's teach, i still feel especially close to all of us who were apart of this group.
born in or converted.
we all have had the same life experience of being raised in a over bearing mind controlling cult.
I say Yes
Here is why, even though I no longer agree with most of what the GB/WT/JW's teach, I still feel especially close to all of us who were apart of this group. Born in or converted. We all have had the same life experience of being raised in a over bearing mind controlling cult. The Watchtower has gone WAY beyond what is written. I know many have lost faith in God all together and I can understand why.
When I am on a forum like this I feel I am with my family. Am I crazy for feeling this way? Do you feel that way too? I love the humor and jokes and I relate to most of them. I believe many of us have developed a heightened sense of humor to combat all of the sadness we have lived through.
We are not "mentally diseased" people like the recent 9/11 Watchtower calls us, we ALL have been mentally abused. Is it any wonder many do not want to have anything to do with God anymore? These were "Gods representatives" to us for years.
So how do you feel about this question? Do you feel a special relationship with X-JW's and maybe even lost believing JW's? I ache for my family with tears often. I am carrying a heavy load of pain and heart ache as many of you are I am sure. Sometimes to the point, well... I don't want to say it...
But I want to say this, I love each and every one of you and I still feel like you are my brothers and sisters wether you do or not. I believe many of you feel the same way.
Your brother,