These are "types" of Christians and the wheat grow with the weeds. You have those who are "faithful and discreet" and you have those who say, "my master is delaying" and beat their fellows slaves. The Watchtower started beating it's fellow slaves soon after 1914. Likewise they have focused beatings on fellow slaves after every failed prediction. Now we are feeling the beating because of the generation change. If the GB really believed it's own teachings they would have stuck with the generation teaching down to the end just like Russell stuck with 1914. The truth is, the 1914 generation is not dead yet. They changed the understanding in essence saying "our master is delaying" and have proceeded to beat their fellow slaves again! They don't believe their own teachings and do not stand by them!
JoinedPosts by Greybeard
I have a question, please re Matthew 24:45
by N.drew inone of the most interesting aspect of bible i have found is pronouns.. all i know about foreign language i get off the internet.
so my question, for them who know, is the "who" at matthew 24:45,. does it imply "which one?
" or does it tilt toward "describe".. in other words does it mean, identify, or does it mean, getting a profile.. in english we can say "who" is that person in the crowd?.
Help me to answer a few questions for a current JW?
by stillstuckcruz ini'm talking to this girl right now who is technically still a witness.
she doenst go to the meetings anymore but not because she does not feel its the truth.
her parents are no longer witnesses and i want to get her to see the truth about the "truth" before she decides to go back in.
Hi Still Stuck Cruz,
I like to keep it REAL simple. She has been programed and if you answer her questions verbatim they will go in one ear and out the other just like every other JW. That is the way they are programed. She is asking you these questions to TEACH YOU, not because she doesn't have the answers.
You need to turn this around and make her do the work. I would share Isaiah 44:26 with her, as regards YHWH it says, "... the One making the word of his servant come true, and the One that carries out completely the counsel of his own messengers." The question is, can this be applied to JW's? Everyone knows the answer to that question. Isn't that the reason most of us no longer believe them? We are tired of them crying wolf! They are False Prophets! Another thing I would ask her is how would she feel if Jehovah killed billions of people who never became JW's because of the JW's many False Prophecies and flip flops? Is Jehovah really that unjust? Maybe even print some of the Watchtower quotes off of where they did claim to be "Jehovah's prophet" and "mouth piece". Jesus told us we are to have no leader besides him.
Best wishes,
I have a question, please re Matthew 24:45
by N.drew inone of the most interesting aspect of bible i have found is pronouns.. all i know about foreign language i get off the internet.
so my question, for them who know, is the "who" at matthew 24:45,. does it imply "which one?
" or does it tilt toward "describe".. in other words does it mean, identify, or does it mean, getting a profile.. in english we can say "who" is that person in the crowd?.
Jesus spoke using parables all of the time as we all know. Matthew 24:45 is talking about a type of slave not a specific slave revealed 1900 years later. What ever the case, the Bible students were not "wise" or "discreet" according to the Watchtower itself. If a JW were to believe most of what they taught back then they would be disfellowshipped. What did the "food at the proper time" they served really amount to? False prophecies and tongue lashing their brothers with hateful speech. Has anything changed? They continue to put forth hate speech and condemn all who do not swallow every last drop of their "food at the proper time". The words of Gods messengers come true as Isaiah 44:26 tells us speaking of YHWH, "... the One making the word of his servant come true, and the One that carries out completely the counsel of his own messengers." How can this group claim to be Gods messengers? It is truly laughable!
The Huffington Post has picked up the mentally diseased story!!!!
by discreetslave injust posted by vampire665 on facebook.
And now a song from the GB!!!
If you were given $1M....
by mankkeli in...and the only stipulation for spending it was that you had to use it in some way against the wts, how would you use the money?
a tv campaign?
I would try to get with and help him translate his web site into as many languages as possible. Promote it through google adds, yahoo and any other way on the internet including a large e-mail campaign. Also I would make more youtube videos like the ones made by Two of them can be seen here: I also would make a top notch documentary for Netflix and the like. Why do you think I play the lottery? I dream about doing this. Why do you ask? Do you have $1M to donate? We can get this ball rolling if you do ;)
Just a side point, The Watchtower does have billions of dollars on hand. They could launch their own satellite channel on Dish or Direct TV if they wanted too. They could have a internet TV channel cheep! They probably have enough money to put their own satellite into orbit for God sakes! Their own web site lacks in HUGE ways! Why don't they do these kinds of things if the message is so important? It is because they want the rank and file occupied with knocking on "not at homes" wasting their time. That keeps them obedient and gives them warm fussy feelings even though nobody is listening and everyone views them as False Prophets! If they really believed in their prophecies they would NOT have changed the generation understanding. They would be like Russell who waited until the last moment in 1914 because he really did believe! These GB leaders don't believe! THAT is why they made a WAY OUT! The generation of 1914 has almost past away for sure but they have not all died yet! They could have stuck with their guns but if they did that, everyone would leave soon after 2014. That is what they have tried to avoid. soon all will see then for what they are, False Prophets!
No Tattoos for JWs? Then why no beards?
by punkofnice inas elders we were told that tattoos were a no no!
because leviticus 19:28 says not......and jar hoover doesn't change according to micah.. the verse prior says not to cut your beard.. we have here typical wbt$ spin.
take one scripture literally and 'appeal to authority' ie.
The beard issue is the one thing that has bothered me the most as a Jehovah's Witness. They have absolutely no scriptural grounds to enforce this. As Punk has shown from the Bible, it is opposite! Leviticus 19:27, ‘YOU must not cut YOUR sidelocks short around, and you must not destroy the extremity of your beard." I think it had more to do with controlling the young men at Bethel and keeping them younger looking. Possibly more feminine looking as well. I would think the first men who practiced this must have been pagan trying to look like females. I always had hoped they would discover that ties were pagan too. Who puts a choke rope around their neck and walks around with it? No doubt it was a kinky pagan practice at first.
Should not those who protect "Mentally Diseased" be outraged?
by Greybeard inso lets say we are "mentally diseased"... where is our protection from this hate speech and mental abuse?
there are all kinds of mental institutions around the world.
edit- maybe we should all go check ourselves in saying, "jehovah, the great physician has called us "mentally diseased apostates!
@ WTWizard
You are absolutely right! If it wasn't for the "laws of the land" they would be stoning us to death and why? For not believing they are equal to Jesus Christ? For not believing them after all of their false prophecies? The truth of the matter is if we were under the Mosaic Law this scripture would apply to them, "However, the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. And in case you should say in your heart: "How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken?" when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it." Deuteronomy 18:20-22
Anyone at Bethel reading this? Wake up!
Should not those who protect "Mentally Diseased" be outraged?
by Greybeard inso lets say we are "mentally diseased"... where is our protection from this hate speech and mental abuse?
there are all kinds of mental institutions around the world.
edit- maybe we should all go check ourselves in saying, "jehovah, the great physician has called us "mentally diseased apostates!
@ Teary Oberson,
Peace to you! I am not hear to argue with you or anyone on this forum. I am not trying to "perpetuate lies" as you have so eloquently implied. I have not done an extensive review on 1 Timothy 6:4 and I thank you for your summery on this scripture. When I said, "only the New World Translation uses the words "Mentally Diseased" in their translation at 1 Timothy 6:4" I did add a link to that statement that you failed to quote while quoting me. Here is that link: IF you will click on that link you will find 17 Bibles that translate 1 Timothy 6:4... and so far, I have not found any that use the words "mentally diseased". Whatever the case, even IF "mentally diseased" is the best translation of Paul words, I for one feel that Jesus Christ's words at Matthew 5:22 outweigh them and must be considered when we judge or label others! Do you not agree???
With all due respect Teary Oberson, You sound like a JW apologist to me. The issue is not what does 1 Timothy 6:4 mean, The issue is judging people and labeling them as fit for destruction. I believe I made that VERY clear. Why are you trying to change the issue? Are you ok with judging others as fit for destruction? I would hope not but can't help but wonder as you seam to be defending the Watchtower. I hope I am wrong!
It is very clear that calling someone an "apostate" is the same as calling them a "despicable fool" or "rebel" worthy of everlasting destruction as stated in the Watchtower.
I posted this and you had nothing to say about it:
The Watchtower of 2006, 2/15 “Questions From Readers” article asks this: What three dangers was Jesus warning against at Matthew 5:22 ?
"What, then, did the expression “despicable fool” signify? The word used here sounded similar to a Hebrew term that means “rebellious,” or “mutinous.” It designates a person as morally worthless, an apostate and a rebel against God. So the person addressing his fellow as a “despicable fool” is as much as saying that his brother should receive a punishment fit for a rebel against God, everlasting destruction. From God’s standpoint, the one uttering such a condemnation against another could merit that severe sentence—everlasting destruction—himself.— Deuteronomy 19:17-19 ."
Clearly calling someone an "apostate" violates Christ command at Matthew 5:22. That IS the issue. Judging or labeling your brother as fit for destruction in wrong! What happened to Moses after he called the Israelites "rebels" meaning "apostates"? This is a hate crime and I hope the superior authorities that "stand placed in their relative positions by God" will put them in their place along with any other religion that practices this! To my knowledge, JW's are the worst! It wasn't until 1962 that the JW's understood who the "superior authorities" were. Go figure... When do you think they will understand Matthew 5:22 ? When will you understand what the real issue is here on this thread?
Your brother in Christ,
Should not those who protect "Mentally Diseased" be outraged?
by Greybeard inso lets say we are "mentally diseased"... where is our protection from this hate speech and mental abuse?
there are all kinds of mental institutions around the world.
edit- maybe we should all go check ourselves in saying, "jehovah, the great physician has called us "mentally diseased apostates!
I was just wondering,
Could their have been some kind of subliminal message attempt by studying this strong article on the tenth anniversary of 911?
I think so...
Should not those who protect "Mentally Diseased" be outraged?
by Greybeard inso lets say we are "mentally diseased"... where is our protection from this hate speech and mental abuse?
there are all kinds of mental institutions around the world.
edit- maybe we should all go check ourselves in saying, "jehovah, the great physician has called us "mentally diseased apostates!
Along with what Mad Sweeny said,
ONLY the New World Translation uses the words "Mentally Diseased" in their translation at 1 Timothy 6:4.