Laughter is the best medicine is it not? Dude, I don't know wether to laugh or cry, I love my brother deeply and my entire family. This is kinda like a missing person add, I want my brother back, I want my family back... I am not one to give up easy on any of them. Maybe if he see's this, he will see how he really is, a picture is worth a thousands words.
Print it and put it on the Kingdom Hall door, just don't let them see you 007 :)
Edit: I would just like to say.. he never has said anything like this but this is the type of arrogant attitude he has as well as many elders including the governing body as most of you know. He puts me down to my face and he gossips about me to everyone making himself look good in the process. I just got fed up with it... My brother does have a good heart, he is just mislead, this is not who he really is, this is what he has become, sick.