Our research led us to a now deceased physician who told us that he and his partner had a Witness patient [in 1945] who refused a blood transfusion. The two physicians both Witnesses wrote to the watchtower society asking for their help and stating the patient's religious objections. The Society wrote back stating that the patient was correct in his view of Scripture and the first no-blood article followed in short order. Who made the decision at the Watchtower Society level is unknown, but I suspect it was Franz and not Knorr.
Posts by vienne
Blood Transfusions
by new boy intake a wild guess who dreamt up the idea about no blood transfusions for jehovah’s witnesses in the first place?
charles russell, the founder of the church?
judge rushford, the alcoholic and second president?
Is Child Abuse An Issue That You Personally Have Seen In The Organization?
by minimus inas an elder, i saw one child abuse situation involving a man who wanted to be an elder and had i believe 8 children.
he was not in our congregation when this all erupted.
he denied it and moved to another hall and unbelievably, that body of elders wanted to appoint him since they believed his entire family was lying about him.
Yes, when I was a child and attending with my mother, a friend of mine my age (12). She was sexually abused by her father since she was seven. He was expelled from the fellowship and she and her mother stopped attending. Her life afterward was not what I'd wish on anyone.
Research Question
by vienne inwe need this to further our research... .
the booklet russell, rutherford and "the harp of god" : the heresies of the international bible students association published by the british bible union and written by c. leopold clarke.
we can't find it in any american library.
Excellent, thanks. We think this is an abbreviation of the original 30 page booklet, but it will do nicely. Thanks for your help and interest.
Research Question
by vienne inwe need this to further our research... .
the booklet russell, rutherford and "the harp of god" : the heresies of the international bible students association published by the british bible union and written by c. leopold clarke.
we can't find it in any american library.
We need this to further our research...
We can't find it in any American Library. A good scan or photocopy would serve. Anyone? -
Dirt Fishing - Latest Coin Finds
by cofty init's that time of year again when i can get back on the fields with the metal detector looking for ancient stuff.
the first field to be harvested was full of peas - ideal as it leaves no stubble and it's a two minute walk from my house.
it has given up two coins in two visits this week.. the first one is a cut-half silver penny from the reign of henry ii.
I think all episodes of Time Team are on youtube. Still worth watching.
Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents'
by frankiespeakin inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vpqilhw9ui.
It's not about what he meant to say. It's about what he said. Language is exacting, or should be. If we must translate what another said, then where is meaning in language?
Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents'
by frankiespeakin inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vpqilhw9ui.
That may be what he meant. But it is not what he said. Also, there are other, perhaps primary factors that might lead an "intelligent" woman to a decision to have few or no children. One obvious factor is complexity and stress connected to a career choice. Shouldn't we expect posters to say what they mean? We have no warrant to 'translate' their thoughts into something else.
Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents'
by frankiespeakin inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vpqilhw9ui.
Dear Waton,
I'm a MENSA member with an IQ variously estimated to be between 170 and 180. I have five daughters - three birth, two adopted. Two of my daughters are also MENSA members. Your premise is flawed.
A Writer's Graveyard
by compound complex inimmersed in dickens and hawthorne, i cannot easily shake off the dusty antiquity of a bygone era.
however, its scant reality inhabits, not the present, but my sad hearkening back to the shadows of long ago.. hot blood pulses anew within fingers i thought stilled forever in a writer's graveyard of unwritten verse.
it is a reluctant awakening to a life much sadder than that endured by storybook friends who cannot see me, know me.. permit me, therefore, to reenter that precious twilight betwixt my present and the past, the faraway there of dearly departed poets.
My dad who wrote science, nuclear physics and separations chemistry and the like, would sit in his chair, his fingers steepled, and think through each sentence. There was seldom any need for revision. He wrote by hand with an old Shaffer fountain pen using a quadrille tablet.
I sit at my computer and just write it. There's a tonne of revision and rewrite. Which of us that picture would reflect is an open question.
Was CT Russell a freemason or not
by UnshackleTheChains inok. many people deny ct russell was a freemason.
i have read articles whereby some have found no evidence to prove he was one at any point in his life.. however, given all the masonic symbols in the early publications including the use of the name jehovah ( the name the freemason's use to identify god), as well as the expressions used such as 'new world, new order' etc certainly raises suspicions.. then there is the article he wrote in the herald magazine outlining that he was a freemason (see the following video 40 seconds in).
it really does make you think!.
Whynot, How do you know that Russell attended Masonic meetings and donated money? Please point me to your source.