Stroup, a Presbyterian clergyman, wrote a polemic in the guise of a sociological study. He manufactured quotations and made insupportable claims. Stroup was never reliable. Specific claims he made that are false include, but are not limited to, his assertion that Russell claimed to be the last-days 'time clock' appointed as the revealer of last days truth. That's a misrepresentation of a 1910 Overland Monthly article by Russell. He misidentified M. F. Russell. He claimed things about Russell's followers footnoting it to a booklet by Burridge. A check of the original shows the citation is false. He made claims about Watchtower convention attendants and the infamous New Jersey speech by Rutherford that are demonstrably false. I've just scratched the surface with this.
Dr. Schulz, the series editor for our books, examines Stroup and some others in his introductory essay to Separate Identity volume 2. [Yet to be published but nearly finished.]
Volume 1 is available from and
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