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Posts by vienne
Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?
by atomant inlm getting conflicting it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?
by atomant inlm getting conflicting it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
you make assertions without backing them up. show us the actual text.
Witnesses believe they are the one true religion. That's a given. They over emphasize the place of their hierarchy. Certainly. But they still attribute salvation to Christ. The issue here isn't their view of themselves as the one true religion, but it is to whom do they attribute salvation. In their theology that's Jesus, and only Jesus. The two issues are not the same.
The governing body sends a mixed message. They claim they are appointed by God, an abuse of the plain meaning of Matthew twenty-four. They believe they are the one true religion. They believe that they lead adherents to Christ's salvation. They also believe there is no salvation apart from Christ's sacrifice. The baptismal questions were cited earlier, and they show that.
Except in definition of terms, we are not far apart. My point is that we should be exact in terms if we wish to have an impact on adherents. I also do not think it is my duty to convert a Witness. We all come to Christ at his father's leading. I think that's the point of John 4. Doubt is more common among Witnesses than they will admit. But there is also a considerable resistance to arguments that do not fit the case. Suggesting that Witnesses believe that salvation comes through the Governing Body is off the mark. Witnesses do not teach that. They do teach that the Governing Body feeds them truth. That's questionable on many levels.
Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?
by atomant inlm getting conflicting it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
quote the original.
Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?
by atomant inlm getting conflicting it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
you mean you don't like it. It's very plain. You wish it otherwise. An effective rebuttal of the WTS is accurate and uses terms as they are intended to be used. Wild claims defeat your cause. I'm not certain you know what "obtuse" means.
Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?
by atomant inlm getting conflicting it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
Saying that their organization is spirit directed does not imply that it has any role in redemption. How does that differ from the Apostles telling adherents to chose for themselves spirit filled men? That's in Acts. What you object to here is that Witnesses believe they are the one true Christian faith and that if you aren't one of them, then you aren't really a Christian. I am sympathetic to that view and share the objection with you. However, this does not make the claim that anyone but Jesus and anything but his sacrifice is the basis for salvation.
Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?
by atomant inlm getting conflicting it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
saying that its vital to stay with the congregation is new testament doctrine. JWs believe they are that congregation. However, that is not the same as saying that salvation comes through the church or its hierarchy.
I don't believe that JWs are the church of god in any sense beyond what any christian body is. But there are exclusivist churches out there that believe similarly. Plymouth Brethren would be one. Saying to stay with the church comes right out of Paul's mouth. It does not imply that the church provides the atonement or salvation.
Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?
by atomant inlm getting conflicting it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
exact quotation please.
Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?
by atomant inlm getting conflicting it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
Then make it. It's not Witness doctrine.
Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?
by atomant inlm getting conflicting it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
This is what the Bible says about Jesus as mediator: “Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance” -- Heb. 9:15.
This is not the work of reconciliation. This is an organizational covenant, just as the old [Mosaic] covenant was organizational. The question is, then, are the Great Crowd under the new covenant, or is there a separate "Israel of God," limited in number? If we answer as Jehovah's Witnesses do, that only a limited number are in the New Covenant, then all else is not. Jesus did not negotiate a covenant with them. If we answer as some others do, that every Christian is part of the new covenant, then the Great Crowd has Jesus as its mediator.
However we answer, an organizing covenant is not the work of reconciliation. That's Jesus' role as atonement sacrifice, and in that role, John the Apostle calls him the propitiatory sacrifice for all. The two terms are distinct both in English and in Greek. Purposely confusing them, as some are doing here, persuades only the choir.
Being exact and accurate in our criticism matters.
Who is the mediator for jehovahs witnesses?
by atomant inlm getting conflicting it the 144000 or jesus.l was always under the impression it was jesus.lf its the 144000 then when they pray the jw;s should be praying through the remnant not in jesus christs name but in the 144000;s name..
A mediator is a go between who stands between God and another party. He negotiates a covenant. A propitiator is a reconciler, a peace maker. As I said before, in witness theology they keep those concepts separate because they believe only a small number are in the New Covenant, but all are reconciled to God through Christ.
Some of you are confusing the two terms to cause outrage. The real issue is this: are there two classes of Christians, one destined to heaven and the other to a paradise earth. That question has been debated for several centuries, but within traceable Witness history it has been an issue since the mid 19th Century.
Witnesses do NOT teach that 'the earthly class' is without a savior, salvation or reconciliation. They do NOT teach that salvation comes through the anointed or a governing body. We may reject Witness theology, but we should be honest about it. A false outrage is wrong.