Bethel ... I-yay aitway ithway ooya.
Posts by vienne
New World Translation Releases
by Wonderment inin the last few weeks, i have noticed in ( the nwt has had new releases in some local languages.. today, i read this: "the new world translation of the christian greek scriptures was released in the kabiye language on december 16, 2018, in kara, togo.
on the same day, in madrid, spain, the books of matthew and john from the new world translation were released in spanish sign language.
the new world translation has been translated in whole or in part into 178 languages.".
Name of the fictional "Novel" published by jf Rutherford
by NikL inwell i consider all of his books fictional but that's another story :-).
a while back i read about a novel that i understood was published by wt and there was some sort of connection with da judge.. i remember i found it online and was going to look through it but never got the chance.. now i can't find it and for the life of me i can't remember the name of it or the author.. unfortunately, google isn't helping.. it was about life before the flood.. anyone able to help?.
thanks in advance.
I've read it. Interesting book. Written by a non-Witness but apparently it appealed to Russell or so it's claimed. It's a view of what the antediluvian world was like.
... just an observation, but all novels are fictional.
I wouldn't. With my Witness acquaintances I just say it. They're smart enough to know I'm not worshiping the 'god of luck.' I am just wishing them well or success in life.
Do you know who wrote ...
by vienne indo you know who wrote the 1959 watchtower book jehovah's witnesses in the divine purpose?
Watchtower books are written by committees with one principal author. So both Peloyan and Wischuck may have been involved. Wischuk is dead, or I'd just ask him.
Do you know who wrote ...
by vienne indo you know who wrote the 1959 watchtower book jehovah's witnesses in the divine purpose?
The author was Harry Peloyan. I do not know much about him. But that's the guy.
Do you know who wrote ...
by vienne indo you know who wrote the 1959 watchtower book jehovah's witnesses in the divine purpose?
I realize no author was named. But someone, somewhere, must know who wrote it.
Do you know who wrote ...
by vienne indo you know who wrote the 1959 watchtower book jehovah's witnesses in the divine purpose?
Do you know who wrote the 1959 Watchtower book Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose? Anyone?
Need help locating Watchtower Letter
by vienne insome time ago the wt sent out a letter considering how to respond to academic researchers seeking information.
i thought i had a copy but apparently i do not.
can someone help me locate this, please?.
It was in my file folder. I got the dates wrong. April 25, 2001, for the United States and July 1, 2002, for the United Kingdom. Same letter. I do not know if you can find this online.
Quick check leads me to here:
Need help locating Watchtower Letter
by vienne insome time ago the wt sent out a letter considering how to respond to academic researchers seeking information.
i thought i had a copy but apparently i do not.
can someone help me locate this, please?.
Found it. Disregard my request.
Serious Problems Between Elders
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inever encountered or eyewitnessed problems escalating, arguements and rows between elders right at the kh anyone?.
one such experience was just before the meeting was about to start,we heard raised voices from the second room between two elders.
a minute later two other elders went into the room and we could all hear that they were trying to cool the situation down with whatever was going on in there.
When I was very young and attending with my mother, then a new Witness, an elder in the neighboring congregation that shared the hall walked over to another elder just before the meeting started and socked him in the jaw, landing him on his back. It was quite a topic of conversation. As you can imagine.
While the 'smiter' lost his eldership, I heard several comments to the effect that the elder he hit 'more than deserved it.' Oh well ...