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Posts by vienne
Famous Movie Quotes You Like
by The Bethelite inthe last lines from the movie platoon.
"i think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy, we fought ourselves, and the enemy was in us.
the war is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days.
Who shoots 223 AR15s?
by rockemsockem ini have a few and built two 80% lowers.
just got a larue two stage trigger.
i can get 2moa out of it at 100 yards with a nikon 223 scope.
My mom used to distance shoot using a 45-70 Highwall and a 45-90 Sharps. These are black powder rifles, very powerful. I enjoy shooting as well. Mom's best was on a 2 ft by 2 ft target at 780 yards using iron sights. Mom also participated in timed shoots. That's firing at a target with a pistol [Hers was a High Standard Olympic] as fast as you can with the best possible score. Mom won medals for that. She also had a single shot 45-70 Government load Thompson Contender. That's a pistol. Powerful enough to bring down a Buffalo, but only used for target practice.
I do not do nearly so well. I do not hunt, though one of my uncles does, and I enjoy the venison.
There is nothing wrong, in my opinion, with having a gun for protection, for hunting, or for target shooting. I will refrain from insult -okay so it's a mild insult- but American interest in guns and shooting meant that twice Americans and Canadians saved your sorry European butts.
I'm not certain a public debate would accomplish anything. Most people come out of a debate with the same opinions with which they entered, don't they? I was never swayed by a debate, but then most of those I attended were put on by students who weren't always the sharpest nail in the took kit.
Should Reparations Be Given To Relatives of Slaves?
by minimus insome people say that’s the least we should do while others say no way!
what do you think about dispensing reparations?
How about the descendants of those brought here as indentured servants, slaves for seven years, sometimes prostituted? White males and females from England ...
Should Reparations Be Given To Relatives of Slaves?
by minimus insome people say that’s the least we should do while others say no way!
what do you think about dispensing reparations?
No. My family were not slave owners; my American ancestors fought in the Civil War to free slaves. Why should our taxes go to pay for sins of others now over 150 years past? Asking for reparations is a cover for failure to assume personal responsibility.
Do You For The Most Part Trust The News Media?
by minimus inthe media is very powerful.
many news people just want to get a scoop even if their breaking story isn’t checked out for accuracy.
some journalists are precise and double check whatever they are reporting.
Do I trust the media? No, Never.
Window Washers
by Nikki collins ini know @hiddenpimo is going to laugh at me for this because we had several in our old congregation, but what is with all the window washing businesses owned/managed by jws???
they are everywhere!
My grand uncle, a long-time Witness, gave up teaching for three years to pioneer. He says he was a 'window washer' during that period and made more than he made as a professor of history. Never despise a trade.
Mom's book ...
by vienne ini don't know how many are interested in watchtower history.
mom and bruce wrote this, and it received a new amazon review today.
here is the review of .
Dr. Schulz [I could call him uncle B as I do in person] but this seems like a more formal setting] says that three chapters remain to be finished. And an afterward. There will be edits after that. Of the three chapters, two are nearing completion.
He tells me volume three exists as a few chapters, an outline and bunches of notes. It is some distance in the future.
I might add that, watching my mom work on this, that much hard work and intense research goes into this project to make it as detailed and accurate as possible. I'm an amateur writer, still "in school." This has been a learning experience for me.
Mom and B's book about Nelson Barbour is on Lulu. B tells me that a revised and enlarged edition is in the works but 'on the back burner' as he puts the second volume of Separate Identity in final format.
Mom and B planned the next book, called On the Cusp of Fame, covering the years 1887-1912. B still plans to write that, though it seems to me to be a far more complex research project.
I hope it is okay that I use mom's old account here instead of making my own.
Mom's book ...
by vienne ini don't know how many are interested in watchtower history.
mom and bruce wrote this, and it received a new amazon review today.
here is the review of .
I don't know how many are interested in Watchtower history. Mom and Bruce wrote this, and it received a new Amazon review today. Here is the review of
The Professor 5.0 out of 5 stars a comprehensive study May 23, 2019
Format: Paperback Verified PurchaseThis is a mammoth study of the early Bible Student and related groups. It is 358 pages of 8.5 x 11 paper in small print. Of what I read so far it is accurate. I know of no other study that is even close in comprehensiveness, documentation and breath, looking not just at Russell but related groups and persons including Barbour, John Paton and others. The author looks at not only historical record but also critics of the movement including Professor Penton and Carl Johnson. The last page was intended to be an index which never was finished. It would have been an invaluable addition to the book. This book was clearly a lifetime work.
Bound vol question
by rockemsockem indid the wt reprint bound vol.?
if so how long after the first printing did they reprint?
also how do you tell an original from reprint?
Yes, sometime around 1980 the Watchtower Society reprinted the Watchtower from 1951 into the 1960s at least. Checking mom's books and comparing the reprints to the original volumes, you can tell the reprints because the "announcements" section on the last page is missing, and the cover colors are different. I don't have more details.