John Amandus Oppy, the author of this book, was a Seventh-day Adventist with his own strange chronology.
Posts by vienne
Refuting Russell and his Bible Students.
by Lost in the fog ini recently came across this reprinted book in a friend's library.
i hadn't seen it before, but it appears to be a refutation of the teachings of russell and also of the seventh day adventists.
some interesting logic is used by the author mainly around the bible chronology used by russell in his books.
Separate Identity vol 2
by vienne inthe first few paragraphs of the afterword have been posted on the history blog
The first few paragraphs of the afterword have been posted on the history blog
Staying a Jehovah's Witness
by lriddle80 inwhy the shunning if someone leaves?
why are they working so hard to keep everyone in?
is it money?
They believe they have the Truth. If you leave the truth, in their view, you will die at Armageddon. I give them credit for not wanting anyone to die. And like the medieval church, they believe that those who leave are a corrupting influence. They imperil the life-prospects of others.
If you do not believe their message, this is nonsense. But it is as they see it. And if you believe their message, this is serious business.
Well, I'm not finishing it for my mom, though I do a little bit for Bruce, mom's writing partner. He's finishing up the project. I'd look to sometime at the start of next year to see it in print.
vienne's daughter? I am that. But I should say that my name is Annie - really Anastasia, but everyone calls me Annie.
Separate Identity vol 1 was published in 2014. It is available through and amazon and other book sites. The research fund that fuels / fueled mom and B's writing profits more if you buy it from lulu.
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
In the day when the Constitution was written Flintlocks were assault weapons.
Mom's Essay
by vienne inhi everyone,.
mom's introductory essay for separate identity volume 2 is up on the history blog. .
Hopefully we'll see it in print by January next. Don't know, but I see it is nearing completion.