If you're really interested in Russellite history, read through this blog including older posts
Posts by vienne
Did Russell come up with the no hell fire and no Trinity doctrine or did steal that belief from another religion as well?
by nowwhat? injust wondering hate to give the devil his due.
Did Russell come up with the no hell fire and no Trinity doctrine or did steal that belief from another religion as well?
by nowwhat? injust wondering hate to give the devil his due.
Russell's views have a very long history, back to the Second Century CE at least. Adopting an idea does not mean you've stolen it. Do you believe the world is round? From whom did you steal that idea?
Mom's books, including forthcoming volume 2 of Separate Identity, trace the history of Russell's doctrines. That a doctrinal set has a history does not mean believing it is intellectual theft. If we adopt that viewpoint, then everything we personally believe we 'stolen' from someone.
In the 1790s Joseph Priestly wrote a multi volume history of non-Trinitarian belief, taking it back to the start of the second century. [99-200 CE]. Non-Trintarian belief was common in the United States among Congregationalists in New England. Some of them were Arian, some were Sebellian, some were Socinian, and some were Subordinists (Russell's belief system). But they were all non-Trinitarian.
L.E. Froom wrote an abbreviated history of conditional immortality doctrine called The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers. It describes the history of those who rejected eternal torment doctrine. Russell came to it through Jonas Wendell, George Storrs and G. Stetson. There was in the 19th Century a proliferation of books denying Hell Fire doctrine. Many of these were written by prominent clergy.
Separate Identity vol. 2 - Outline of Contents
by vienne ini'm still not ready to write a review of my advance copy, but for those who have waited for the second volume of this history of the watch tower's earliest years, here is an outline of contents.. intro and first five chapters.
introductory essay – b. w. schulz.
historical idealism.
chapter 11 to end
11 Foreign Language Fields Within the United States
(Replace the style “Title” with “Normal”.)
Norwegian Interest
German Language Immigrants
11 Food for Thinking Christians
Positive Response and Adverse Reaction
Following up Interest
12 In All the Earth: The United Kingdom
Ulceby, Lincolnshire
Callington, Cornwall
Blackburn, Lancashire
Glasgow, Scotland
Edinburgh, Scotland
Hamilton, Scotland
Other Cities
13 Joseph Moffitt: An Important Early Voice
14 In all the Earth: Canada
New Brunswick
Canadian Territories
Leslie Valentine Brody Mais
15 In all the Earth: China and Other Lands.
(Replace the style “Title1” with “Normal”.)
The China Mission
Mission to the Chickasaw and Choctaw
Mission to China
William Robert Fuller
Horace Andrews Randle
A Returned Missionary
Continued Work
European Turkey
Doctrinal Evolution and Prophetic Failure
Parousia (παρουσία)
The Narrow Way to Life
Approach to 1881
The Barbourite Stance
Signs in the Heavens
Separate Identity vol. 2 - Outline of Contents
by vienne ini'm still not ready to write a review of my advance copy, but for those who have waited for the second volume of this history of the watch tower's earliest years, here is an outline of contents.. intro and first five chapters.
introductory essay – b. w. schulz.
historical idealism.
Chapters 6-10
6 The Publishing Ministry
Day Dawn
Bible Students Tracts and an Expanding Ministry
Tract Supplement No. 1
Tract Supplements No. 2 and 3
Tract Supplement No. 4
Tract Supplement No. 5
Tract No. 6 by A. D. Jones
Tabernacle Teachings and The Chart of the Ages
7 Evangelical Voice
Watch Tower Evangelism
Continuing Advocacy
Outlines of Sermons
Response to Opposition
Evangelical Spirit
The Letters
William Egbert Page
The Van Amburghs
Johann Adam and Christina Doratha [Dorothea Unkel] Bohnet
Hans Fredrick Peterson
H. V. “Minnie” Peterson and Viola Townsend
Alfred Henry Furley
Arthur Cumberland
Advocacy Today
8 The Church in Maria’s House
Post-War: 1866-1879
The Eighties
The Nineties
9 New Workers Enter the Field
Brother and Sister McCormack
The Lady Canvasser
The Shoemaker
A Brother in St. Louis
The Doctor
“Brother” McGranor
Nameless Evangelists
Donald Edgar Aldrich and other Kansas Evangelists
Robert Bailey
Joseph Brown Keim
Samuel T. Tackabury
Alfred C. Malone
John Bartlet Adamson
William Ellsworth Richards
Josephus Perry Martin
Macon Carter van Hook
John Temple Graves and William Boyer
James Edwin Fitch
G. A. Rose
William Davis Williams
W.G. Gallaway
Powell Samuel Westcott
Edward Colston Leigh
Samuel Ingraham Hickey
Heinrich [Henry] Weber
James Augustus Weimar
Anonymous Evangelists
10 Clergymen and Lay Preachers
Willard Presbury
Knud Pederson Hammer
Joseph Dunn
Separate Identity vol. 2 - Outline of Contents
by vienne ini'm still not ready to write a review of my advance copy, but for those who have waited for the second volume of this history of the watch tower's earliest years, here is an outline of contents.. intro and first five chapters.
introductory essay – b. w. schulz.
historical idealism.
I'm still not ready to write a review of my advance copy, but for those who have waited for the second volume of this history of the Watch Tower's earliest years, here is an outline of contents.
Intro and first five chapters
Introductory Essay – B. W. Schulz
Historical Idealism
Secondary and Opposition Sources
To the End of the Trail
Introductory Essay 2 – By R. M. de Vienne
Editor’s Note
Acknowledgements and Cooperation
Researching Watch Tower Faith
Formatting and Grammar
My View
What Russell Said The Roots of Watch Tower Belief
Joseph Marsh
Great Awakening and New Lights
Post-Revolution Era
2 Seeking Cohesion
Exploring Divergent Views
Satan: Person or Evil Influence?
Foot Washing
Position of Women
Other Issues
Gifts of the Spirit
Water Baptism
Coping with Difference
Personal Issues
Amon Hipsher and Lorenzo Jackson Baldwin
Homer A. King
Entering the Field
Paton’s Preaching Tour
Russell’s Trip East
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Reading, Pennsylvania
Newark, New Jersey
Lynn, Massachusetts
Clinton, Massachusetts
Springfield, Massachusetts
Fort Edward and Montrose
Berwick, Pennsylvania
Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania
Russell’s Report
Russell’s Second Tour
November 1880
J. S. Lawver and John C. Foore.
Keith, Sunderlin, and Mann
Gathering Together
Doctrine of Personal Responsibility
3 Out of Babylon
Isolated but Engaged
View of Religion
Congregation Culture
Forming Fellowships and Congregations
Called by His Name
Forming Congregations and Fellowships
New Castle, Pennsylvania
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Forced Out
4 Congregation Culture: 1880-1886
Dissension and Disaffection
Who Were They?
Growing Interest
Relationship to the Center
Authority Structure and Result
Crisis Years
5 Organizing and Financing the Work
Watch Tower Society Finances
Incorporating Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society
Joseph Firth Smith
William Cook Macmillan
Simon Osborne Blunden
Financial Struggles
Advanced Readers Comment
by vienne inas separate identity v. 2, nears publication, it has generated some comments from advance readers, what writers tend to call "beta readers.
" one is posted to the history blog.
this is from a witness and reflects his point of view.
I'm still reading parts, so I will comment later. But another advance reader has commented on Mom and B's next volume. I wish mom had lived to read this
Advanced Readers Comment
by vienne inas separate identity v. 2, nears publication, it has generated some comments from advance readers, what writers tend to call "beta readers.
" one is posted to the history blog.
this is from a witness and reflects his point of view.
Advanced Readers Comment
by vienne inas separate identity v. 2, nears publication, it has generated some comments from advance readers, what writers tend to call "beta readers.
" one is posted to the history blog.
this is from a witness and reflects his point of view.
I've read most of it, and I continue to read. When I finish it, I'll post my own comments here. I like what I've read. But then, since mom was coauthor, I'm a bit prejudice.
Advanced Readers Comment
by vienne inas separate identity v. 2, nears publication, it has generated some comments from advance readers, what writers tend to call "beta readers.
" one is posted to the history blog.
this is from a witness and reflects his point of view.
Hi everyone,
As Separate Identity v. 2, nears publication, it has generated some comments from advance readers, what writers tend to call "beta readers." One is posted to the history blog. This is from a Witness and reflects his point of view. I find it interesting, even if I do not agree with bits of it. You may want to read it. Mom and Bruce worked hard on this book to get it right, to tell an honest, full story. I think the person who posted this comment is uncomfortable with the honesty. But ... read it. Tell me what you think.
Montana Supreme Court will hear the $35M case tomorrow
by Corney inthe montana case enters the home stretch.
the state supreme court will hear oral arguments tomorrow, 13 september, at the northern hotel in billings during the state bar of montana’s annual meeting (announcement 1, announcement 2).
an introduction to the argument will begin at 9:30 a.m., with the argument starting at 10 a.m. (4 p.m. utc, 9 a.m. sf time, 12 a.m. ny time, 5 p.m. london time, 2 a.m. saturday sydney time).
I do not see the distinction, except in the minds of Witnesses, between a Watchtower Elder and clergy. Two of my uncles are elders. They're nice men, but they do what clergy do. How is there a difference? Sorry for taking this a bit off topic.