re the Botting's book. Have you read it? Can you have confidence in a book that points to 1944 instead of 1914? And yes, I've read it. My mom's library has a significant amount of anti-Witness material. I've read it all. Some of it is interesting. Much of it is nonsense.
Posts by vienne
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Being informed is a personal responsibility. Unfortunately, many people "do not read the fine print". But Jehovah's Witnesses are still a voluntary association.
Children raised as Witnesses are free to leave when they become of age. Many do, and many leave before they are of age. That someone was baptized as a youth does not bind them to the association for life. My grandmother converted from Catholicism to Jehovah's Witnesses when my mom was still fairly young. My mom attended meetings with her because in the Austrian/German culture in which she was raised the belief was that you honored your parents that way. Mom was not persuaded or converted, and though she had a Bible based faith it wasn't the Witness faith. When she was of age, she stopped attending. I attend with relatives on occasion. The Witness faith is unconvincing. Being dragged along by friends, relatives or near family does not change the fact that religious association is in Western lands, voluntary association.
Dr. Introvigne's interest in Vampire mythology is academic, not Satanist. Engaging in ad hominem does not refute an argument. You may disagree with his approach, but he isn't a 'cult apologist' but a rational academic who, like most academics in his field, rejects the descriptors 'cult' and 'sect.' If you listen to his conference presentations, you would not find him to be a cult apologist. Not buying into the anti-cult movement with all its misrepresentations does not make him an apologist. He is a Catholic.
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
While it is not a popular opinion here, becoming a JW is a voluntary association. The government in power where we live is not a voluntary association. "Big Brother" is a reference to governmental power derived from the novel 1984. It doesn't fit Jehovah's Witnesses.
Probably a more accurate description of Witness practice is that it is intrusive and high control.
You didn't need me to be pedantic, did you? But I couldn't resist.
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Yet another article on the situation in Belgium
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Dr. Introvigne's concluding article
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
There is supposed to be a part three, I'm told. When I see it, I'll post it.
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Part two of Dr. Introvigne's article on the Belgian court.
Jehovah’s Witnesses in Detroit in 1920d
by Paul Bonanno inhi i am trying to find information related to jehovah’s witnesses / international bible students in 1920s in detroit.
during this particular period a maltese immigrant who traveled to usa to work got in contact with the witnesses and later returned back to malta and shared his new faith with the locals.
Try one of the newspaper archives. Start here:
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
You may find this response interesting.
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
I would not like my choice of associates to be regulated by law. Is disfellowshipping painful? I see that it is. Do I want to be forced to speak to a disfellowshiped pedophile because a judge says I must? No. Not now. Not ever. One's choice of associates, no matter what drives it, should be beyond a judge's purview.