My mom and uncle got me interested. I read all three of their books, a biography of Nelson Barbour, the guy from Rochester, and the first two volumes of Separate Identity. I find early Russell history fascinating. Uncle B tells me that George Cryssides has a new book on Witnesses coming out in September or so, but it's about modern Witnesses not Russellites. I want to read it. B read the rough drafts and says he'll review it on his history blog after publication.
Most of you already know about his blog, I think. But in case some don't, it's here:
As I see it, subject to revision later, Russell was a sincere but big headed man. Anyone who self-identifies as the faithful and wise servant has issues. Only Jesus can make that designation. And as the parable suggests it's made publicly. Making it yourself is at the very least, unwise. Besides, it's a parable, not a prophecy.