Department of Court Records, Civil/Family Division
City-County Building
414 Grant Street, First Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-2469
Phone: 412-350-5729
dear how can i get the original divorce transcript from russell vs russell separation/divorce ?
i only find excerpts from the process: wt 1906 07/15éparation_légale_des_époux_russell
, books from edmond gruss, duane magani, joseph f. zygmunt, ph.d. thesis, barbara harrison and newspaper brooklyn eagle news.
City-County Building
414 Grant Street, First Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-2469
Phone: 412-350-5729
dear how can i get the original divorce transcript from russell vs russell separation/divorce ?
i only find excerpts from the process: wt 1906 07/15éparation_légale_des_époux_russell
, books from edmond gruss, duane magani, joseph f. zygmunt, ph.d. thesis, barbara harrison and newspaper brooklyn eagle news.
Divorce records are handled by the Department of Court Records Civil/Family Division. While no on-line indexes or records are available, records may be obtained on site or by correspondence. Older records may be in storage and have to be ordered.
I've read the transcript. My mom had a copy. It's not what most say, but interesting. Order it from Allegheny County Records as noted above. I do not know what mom paid, but I'm guessing many dollars because of the huge number of pages. You do not want the simple findings record but the transcript. It comes in two parts. The first trial is represented in a paperback book called the Defendant's Paper Book. The second part, much longer, is the appeal record and it is typescript double spaced. About five scattered pages are missing from the original record. But context suggests that nothing earth shaking was on them.
decision in ethiopian orthodox church case and jws..
Decision in Ethiopian Orthodox Church case and JWs.
i have been hearing the cult is upset that this video leaked and is trying to remove it off the net.
lol are they really that stupid?
but if anyone has a link to the video i would love to see it.
Steph, you seem to think I'm a Witnesses. I am not.
i have been hearing the cult is upset that this video leaked and is trying to remove it off the net.
lol are they really that stupid?
but if anyone has a link to the video i would love to see it.
Critics are still free to attack the Watchtower. Have at it. There is much to criticize. Just be smart about it. How they approach matters is evident. Do not give them grounds to use the law and they won't use it.
i have been hearing the cult is upset that this video leaked and is trying to remove it off the net.
lol are they really that stupid?
but if anyone has a link to the video i would love to see it.
Dio, having an opinion different from yours does not make me a troll. You do not like it that someone can stand up to your nonsense. Your reasoning is faulty on several grounds. Freely sharing work does not cancel copyright and it does not give anyone else the right to misuse it or use it without permission. You may want it to be so. But it is not so in law. Disagreeing with you does not make me a troll. Your response shows you have no refutation only ad hominem.
Many authors share their work 'for free' though contests and giveaways. That's especially so among those published independently or by a 'small press.' Doing so does not cancel copyright. You hate the Watchtower. That's fine. But this issue extends past the Watchtower. It is a creator's right to within the law protect their intellectual property. That you wish it was not so in the Watchtower's case does not change that. Stealing another's work for your own ends is immoral and it is theft. Do you support theft?
i have been hearing the cult is upset that this video leaked and is trying to remove it off the net.
lol are they really that stupid?
but if anyone has a link to the video i would love to see it.
copyright infringement isn't about 'owning' the material. It's theft. It's use of someone else's work for your own ends. It's morally wrong.
i have been hearing the cult is upset that this video leaked and is trying to remove it off the net.
lol are they really that stupid?
but if anyone has a link to the video i would love to see it.
mick, exactly which suit did Watchtower lose? You mean the darkspilver thing? Was that about a song?
i have been hearing the cult is upset that this video leaked and is trying to remove it off the net.
lol are they really that stupid?
but if anyone has a link to the video i would love to see it.
I'm not a troll. Copyright is a legal device settled in the US Constitution to protect intellectual rights. Write a book? Or produce music? Hopefully you get paid. Others steal it? They take your rights and any money you may make from it.
Watchtower violating someone else's copyright does not erase the importance of copyright law.
Do you have a link to the Chariots of Fire issues? Was there a lawsuit? I would like to know more.
i have been hearing the cult is upset that this video leaked and is trying to remove it off the net.
lol are they really that stupid?
but if anyone has a link to the video i would love to see it.
It's not stupid to vigorously defend a copyright. My mom had to do that. Pirating intellectual property is theft.