If everyone has their own 'truths' there is in fact no truth at all.
Posts by vienne
Catholicism and Orthodoxy- 2000 yrs of experience
by Powermetal4ever inalright this has been in my brain lately: both catholic church and the orthodox church has been around for about 2000 years, shouldn't they know how to practice christendom correctly by now?
jw hasn't even been around for 200 years and yet they say they do it right.
so silly of them.
Catholicism and Orthodoxy- 2000 yrs of experience
by Powermetal4ever inalright this has been in my brain lately: both catholic church and the orthodox church has been around for about 2000 years, shouldn't they know how to practice christendom correctly by now?
jw hasn't even been around for 200 years and yet they say they do it right.
so silly of them.
It's not? Your original post said: "Alright this has been in my brain lately: Both catholic church and the orthodox church has been around for about 2000 years, shouldn't they know how to practice christendom correctly by now?"
Seems to me that's about truth.
Catholicism and Orthodoxy- 2000 yrs of experience
by Powermetal4ever inalright this has been in my brain lately: both catholic church and the orthodox church has been around for about 2000 years, shouldn't they know how to practice christendom correctly by now?
jw hasn't even been around for 200 years and yet they say they do it right.
so silly of them.
Length of time that a religion exists is no proof of 'truth.' People still worship the Greek gods, giving that belief system millennia longer existence than the RC church. Do you think Greek or Roman polytheism the stamp of truth?
Genesis 18:27
by JPG123 inin genesis 18:27 it says:.
but abraham again responded: “please, here i have presumed to speak to jehovah, whereas i am dust and ashes.. but when referencing the interlinear translation of the old testament, it clearly uses the hebrew word “adonai” instead of “yahweh” in this verse.
was abraham referring to god as “lord” in this verse?.
Without digging deeply into it, I thing that Ovid's story of Baucis and Philemon isn't the basis of the Abraham story. Ovid is the sole source of that story, I believe. He lived at the tail end of the first century BCE and into the first century CE. The story of Abraham and the three angels appears in the Septuagint, a product of the third century BCE.
So we must look to another source for the Abraham and three angels story.
As I said, I'm not digging into this. Am I wrong here?
Really Proud to be a Jehovahs-Witness, I am a student these days and Saving ALOT thanks to Student Wow Deals
by Studentwowdeals inhey guys, i just wanted to let any felow students know there there is a website just for us to save money :) since the covid i have been buying everything online through them it i have saved alot of money thanks student wow deals.
basically you sign up for free thats it.
hope this helps some people while they are studying!
Just spam.
Genesis 18:27
by JPG123 inin genesis 18:27 it says:.
but abraham again responded: “please, here i have presumed to speak to jehovah, whereas i am dust and ashes.. but when referencing the interlinear translation of the old testament, it clearly uses the hebrew word “adonai” instead of “yahweh” in this verse.
was abraham referring to god as “lord” in this verse?.
I do not know which interlinear you used, but Green's says in verse 26: "Jehovah" [YHWH]. Berry's is the same. Verse 26 specifically says, "Jehovah." Kholenberger et all. have the same, but use Yahweh. So the Lord to whom Abraham refers is Jehovah.
That established, 1 Cor. 8:5 observes that there are many called God and many called Lord. Being called Lord does not mean that one is the same person as someone else called lord. There is not valid trinitarian argument here.
The Hebrew word 'adouneem' is a title given to men holding authority. In Gen 18-19 we find 'Baaleem.' That's a term applied to owners and masters. God is, of course, the ultimate owner or master of all. But the term was applied to men, pagan gods, and Jehovah. [See Pick's Dictionary of Old Testament Words; and The Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament.] The word Lord as applied to Jesus is κύριος [Kyrios]. It has a similar meaning. Vine defines it as "signifying having power or authority" when used as an adjective [i.e.: the lord Christ Jesus].
Vine further observes that the word is "equally appropriate to either [Jesus or God.]" He cites many examples which when consulted differentiate between God and Christ. In fairness I should note that Vine was trinitarian.
If you intend to follow up at some depth, I see the Insight book as helpful in this case. But you will also want to visit Lang's Commentary; Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament; Vincent's Word Studies; and Wuest's Word Studies. These are all trinitarian, but will help you understand the usage of the words involved here.
You Tube Questions about Watchtower Property
by Listener inkim and mikey made a youtube yesterday claiming that a business called watchtower property co. was connected to the watchtower.
they used a recording done by youtuber smurf girl of a call she made to a julie at the company.
i believe the call was doctored as it has her saying that (no) "we're connected to the jehovahs witnesses directly.
I don't think they managed to evade the real issues. They tried, tried hard. But they failed. The last video seems to suggest that they feel the 'ground' under them caving in.
They have three choices. 1. Reform and produce something meaningful without the childish ranting and name calling. 2. continue as they are. Everyone likes to watch a clown. 3. Quit.
You Tube Questions about Watchtower Property
by Listener inkim and mikey made a youtube yesterday claiming that a business called watchtower property co. was connected to the watchtower.
they used a recording done by youtuber smurf girl of a call she made to a julie at the company.
i believe the call was doctored as it has her saying that (no) "we're connected to the jehovahs witnesses directly.
I watched the video; it's a solid rant but revealing. How deeply was Mike involved in the Watchtower? Marginally, I'd say because he can't pronounce the name of the church. "Jehovah witnesses"? Really? What happened to the possessive ending? Is he angry at anything other than being disfellowshipped? Hurt his pride, did it?
He thinks of himself as a scholar, but his anti-Bible rants represent old, sometimes discredited scholarship. Fine. You have to start somewhere. But if you want to appear to be a scholar you should be current. And poor grammar and disjointed, angry rants do not indicate rational thought.
He calls out people who pointed out their fakery, not with proof we were wrong, but because we're probably Watchtower agents and mindless. He approves of lies to discredit Jehovah's Witnesses. One does not need lies to do that. If you rely on every 'false story' that comes along, as k and m seem to do, then you appear to be a 'clown.' Those who expose K and M's foolishness are not the clowns in this adventure.
He does not understand the laws on libel and slander. Someday someone will, as he says "bring it on."
He seems to point to his many subscribers as proof of something. Hitler had many followers, and all that proved is that people are gullible and some will believe anything. Oppose the Witness faith all you want. Fine. But at least present us with something meaningful and TRUTHFUL.
I don't subscribe to their channel. If I did, I would unsubscribe. They are one of the most disappointing anti-Watchtower video producers.
What is it with these lard ass GB and gold rings and watches?
by mickbobcat inthey wear jewelry like they are some don from the cosa nostra.
watches and rings like some cheap pimp.
hey they are cheap pimps.
how about a photo of "Hears" wearing a Rolex.
You Tube Questions about Watchtower Property
by Listener inkim and mikey made a youtube yesterday claiming that a business called watchtower property co. was connected to the watchtower.
they used a recording done by youtuber smurf girl of a call she made to a julie at the company.
i believe the call was doctored as it has her saying that (no) "we're connected to the jehovahs witnesses directly.
Suggesting that people here who object to fake news videos are Watchtower trolls is ad hominem and meant to deflect blame. Poorly done work is just that. Poorly done work.