The 1994 event:
Current vandalism:
sometime within the last 2 weeks, someone took a sledgehammer to the pyramid monument in allegheny.
they stole the topstone, smashed the cross and crown emblem and removed the seal.. personally i'm surprised it lasted this long untouched.
although through the years russell's grave has been vandalized, it was always repaired by the bible students..
The 1994 event:
Current vandalism:
so, there's been a lot of talk on social media, blaming trump for the current crisis that began at the weekend.. it's a load of bullsh!t from deluded people who are desperate to blame anyone but joe biden, the idiot they voted for or at least wanted to win last november.. there is only one person, just one person, to blame: joe biden.. he has the heavy burden of making tough presidential decisions.. and after this debacle, it's reasonable to ask if he's up to making such decisions..
When you elect a socialist moron, this is what you get. Will Democrats use him as a puppet when he fully slides into dementia, pretending all is well? Or will they replace him with Harris, not quite as mentally fragile, but equally stupid?
B is busy writing volume three of Separate Identity. He's posted a request for research assistance on his blog. Are you an adept researcher? Want to probe the W. H. Conley's life, and that of his wife Sarah? Here is an opportunity.
i have been watching evans videos for a while.
he keeps attacking the cult for following the bible.
women are to be subservient to men.
Like Kim and M, Lloyd's videos are overly dramatic, focus on the irrelevant, sometimes wrong, and too long and repetitious. That said, he isn't as stupid as Mike, and much easier to watch. Neither set of videos is especially convincing.
in one form or another i've been a member of this site for almost 10 years.
in the past this was a great place for debate, news and support for ex jws.
i logged on several times a day and posted several times a week.
I don't see any need to ban political discussions from this site. I visit it every day. I do not read every post. And some of those I do read, I click off because they're [1] more full of stupidity than I want to endure; [2] not a subject that interests me; [3] too poorly written to under stand without mentally translating it.
There is no law that says we must read every post, or that we must agree with everything written. Self edit. Assume some personal responsibility for what you read. This isn't high school or university where you MUST read assigned material. This is a voluntary association, and if you find a topic that makes you grit your teeth, skip it.
Liberals want to censor everything. Those on the far right love to rant and promote 'theories.' You do not have to read any of that, unless you want entertainment.
please how do someone become an anointed christian in watchtower organization.
i informed my elders in my congo that i am an anointed christian..
bola is either a troll or very stupid or in need of mental health counseling.
alright this has been in my brain lately: both catholic church and the orthodox church has been around for about 2000 years, shouldn't they know how to practice christendom correctly by now?
jw hasn't even been around for 200 years and yet they say they do it right.
so silly of them.
If everyone has their own 'truths' there is in fact no truth at all.
alright this has been in my brain lately: both catholic church and the orthodox church has been around for about 2000 years, shouldn't they know how to practice christendom correctly by now?
jw hasn't even been around for 200 years and yet they say they do it right.
so silly of them.
It's not? Your original post said: "Alright this has been in my brain lately: Both catholic church and the orthodox church has been around for about 2000 years, shouldn't they know how to practice christendom correctly by now?"
Seems to me that's about truth.
alright this has been in my brain lately: both catholic church and the orthodox church has been around for about 2000 years, shouldn't they know how to practice christendom correctly by now?
jw hasn't even been around for 200 years and yet they say they do it right.
so silly of them.
Length of time that a religion exists is no proof of 'truth.' People still worship the Greek gods, giving that belief system millennia longer existence than the RC church. Do you think Greek or Roman polytheism the stamp of truth?
in genesis 18:27 it says:.
but abraham again responded: “please, here i have presumed to speak to jehovah, whereas i am dust and ashes.. but when referencing the interlinear translation of the old testament, it clearly uses the hebrew word “adonai” instead of “yahweh” in this verse.
was abraham referring to god as “lord” in this verse?.
Without digging deeply into it, I thing that Ovid's story of Baucis and Philemon isn't the basis of the Abraham story. Ovid is the sole source of that story, I believe. He lived at the tail end of the first century BCE and into the first century CE. The story of Abraham and the three angels appears in the Septuagint, a product of the third century BCE.
So we must look to another source for the Abraham and three angels story.
As I said, I'm not digging into this. Am I wrong here?