The original post came wrapped in a ribbon, but all it contains is stale fruitcake.
Posts by vienne
... and three kings he will humiliate...Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine
by scotoma inwhy ukraine, georgia and moldova should choose the eu
oct 13, 2014 - by vasil jaiani - despite the risk, ukraine, georgia and moldova are still ...russia has been fiercely opposing integration of the former soviet ...russia's punitive trade policy measures towards ukraine sep 25, 2014 - russia's punitive trade policy measures towards ukraine, moldova and georgia.if you don't have adobe reader, you can download it signs pacts with ukraine, georgia and moldova - broadcasting corporation.
jun 27, 2014 - ukraine, georgia and moldova have signed partnership agreements with theeuropean union, in a move strongly opposed by russia.
Not On Simon's Board--The Forbidden File!
by Atlantis inhi mike:.
the file you have requested, is a file i will not provide a link for out here on simon's board.
i will be happy to give you a link for that "forbidden" file in private.
I would very much like the file, Atlantis
Not On Simon's Board--The Forbidden File!
by Atlantis inhi mike:.
the file you have requested, is a file i will not provide a link for out here on simon's board.
i will be happy to give you a link for that "forbidden" file in private.
Very interesting. I respect you immensely. But without documentary proof, isn't this all speculative. A bit like fan fiction in reverse? Why are files from the 1920s damaging to Simon and this board?
Another example of how Watchtower are rewriting their own history.
by skin infrom today's daily wt text.. friday, december 31 2021.let your kingdom come.
let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.—matt.
6:10. christendom generally does not teach the scriptural truth that one day obedient humans will live forever on earth.
Russell and Watch Tower adherents were Restiutionists. They believed in a restored paradise earth. This was derived from the Literalist/Age to Come movement and is traceable to the first century. What Rutherford did was 'clarify' who the great multitude of Revelation were supposed to be. He did not introduce the thought of an earthly inheritance.
Note that the Watchtower wrote: "Christendom generally does not teach the Scriptural truth that one day obedient humans will live forever on earth."
This quietly acknowledges that some churches do teach that. Among these are the Abrahamic Faith bodies. The largest of these is The Church of God General Conference (Atlanta). Russell was connected to this group in his early days, some of them calling him "brother."
Former Elder, Pioneer and WT Writer Earns 9 Science Degrees - Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., BiologyJerry Bergman, Ph.D., Biology
by Sea Breeze injerry bergman, ph.d., biology.
jerry bergman has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology at northwest state college in archbold oh for over 25 years.
Mother: WSU BA; International BEd; WGU Master of Ed., Phd history UniSA. Knock yourself out.
Uncle B? Ask him yourself.
Almost all of Bruce's Master's Thesis is found in Nelson Barbour: The Millennium's Forgotten Prophet.
Most of his dissertation is found in the first two Separate Identity volumes. I do not think that Berkshire's dissertations are online, especially from that many years ago.
You are trying to relieve my complaint about Bergman by finding something against my mother. That is disreputable. Probably explains why you are no longer a Witness.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses shun non-believers and those who leave the faith?
by Vanderhoven7 ingraeme hammond writes:.
in his 2002 book that examined the behaviour and practices of jehovah’s witnesses, english sociologist andrew holden devoted an entire chapter to the trauma and friction experienced by those who choose to leave the jehovah’s witness religion.
“those who do eventually break free,” he concluded, “are seldom allowed a dignified exit.”.
Isn't the answer that Jehovah's Witnesses see those outside the faith as contaminates? They see those who've left as a kind of virulent bacteria. Don't touch. Wash your hands. Isolate.
Former Elder, Pioneer and WT Writer Earns 9 Science Degrees - Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., BiologyJerry Bergman, Ph.D., Biology
by Sea Breeze injerry bergman, ph.d., biology.
jerry bergman has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology at northwest state college in archbold oh for over 25 years.
It is obvious that we're not getting anywhere. You seem him as some sort of hero of the faith. I see him as having a cloud over his reputation. I see no reason to change my opinion. You can keep yours.
This discussion, from my pov, isn't about his belief in Creation. I believe in Creation as presented in the Bible. It's about his honesty and the value of what he's written. I do not hold him in the same esteem as you do.
Former Elder, Pioneer and WT Writer Earns 9 Science Degrees - Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., BiologyJerry Bergman, Ph.D., Biology
by Sea Breeze injerry bergman, ph.d., biology.
jerry bergman has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology at northwest state college in archbold oh for over 25 years.
You make unwarranted presumptions. His case failed because the court of first instance found that he misrepresented his credentials, and that there was no evidence that he was fired for opposition to his Creationist opinions.
I did not say I support evolution. I said that the society he represents as prestigious does not meet that standard. Both mother and Uncle B hold PhDs in history. Uncle B's dissertation forms the bulk of the two volumes of Separate Identity, available on Amazon. True to form, you're tying a persons' claims to his opinions. If he holds opinions similar to yours, he's good. If not, he's bad. That's not rational. It's also irrational to focus on others, in this case my mother or Uncle B, to divert attention.
I am aware that Bergman claims prejudice was the reason for his dismissal. The court and the appeals court did not make that finding. They found that there were grounds for dismissal in his misrepresentation of credentials. I would follow the court instead of pro-Bergman propagandists.
Former Elder, Pioneer and WT Writer Earns 9 Science Degrees - Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., BiologyJerry Bergman, Ph.D., Biology
by Sea Breeze injerry bergman, ph.d., biology.
jerry bergman has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology at northwest state college in archbold oh for over 25 years.
My uncle would faint if I suggested he posted here. He has his own history blog. I'm Annie, Dr. de Vienne's youngest daughter. In it's fullness my name is Anastasia Marie. Everyone just calls me Annie. I'm a year away from my BA - History, and planning my master's thesis.
His court case:
Uncle's history blog:
Might contrast Uncle B with Bergman. B is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. Unlike the societies and 'clubs' to which Bergman claims membership, one becomes a Fellow of the Royal Society based on education and a body of superior work.
Former Elder, Pioneer and WT Writer Earns 9 Science Degrees - Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., BiologyJerry Bergman, Ph.D., Biology
by Sea Breeze injerry bergman, ph.d., biology.
jerry bergman has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology at northwest state college in archbold oh for over 25 years.
He has a history, noted by a court of law, of exaggerating and faking credentials. His list of academic and professional societies is questionable on the basis of membership requirements. You could 'join' many of them by simply paying a membership fee. Even when these societies are worthwhile in themselves, being a member does not grant any status unless membership [or fellowship] is based on a superior body of work. His memberships are not of that quality.
I understand he is your hero. He isn't mine, and I do not understand why he is yours. To the extent he pursued worthwhile education, good on him. But faking a credential, as a court of law said he did, is ethically flawed and leaves a permanent cloud over everything else he writes or claims.
Read the rest of the Columbia Pacific University wikedpedia article. Trace its decent into nonsense. Pointing to someone else's accomplishments does not validate Bergman. That's a logic flaw.
I can verify that Bergman has a BA or at least claimed a BA from Wayne State. Anything more? I'd like to see his transcripts. He claims a Fellowship from the 'prestigious" American Scientific Affiliation. This is a creationist society. Find another science based association - main stream not fringe - that sees them as prestigious in any way. S. B., your idol has clay feet.