Evans is too much of a donkey-eared narcissist to be a successful 'mole.' And he's not any sort of threat to the Watchtower. At best he gave a place for some x-Witnesses to vent. His threats rang hollow. Making a threat does not mean you have rocks to throw.
People like him will always have a following. The world is full of the easily led. The x community seems to be composed of those who some honest 'apostates' who looked deeply into their religion and found it wanting. These are an obvious minority. Others, the vast majority, were tossed on their ear for morals issues, and they do not like it. Most disfellowshipped Witnesses fall into silence. A small number are very vocal. Of those who make videos, almost none are worth watching. Most are extreme, making videos about anything and everything, no matter how insignificant. Example? Elder's wife who can tell you what the Watchtower said in 1953 that she finds shocking and that she thinks should shock you too.
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