Not relevant to this discussion, maybe. But if I saw Evans on the street with his stringy, unwashed hair, fat face, and otherwise unkempt appearance, I'd think him homeless and eating the high starch foods some soup kitchens serve. And I'd wonder which of the many mental health issues common to the homeless he has.
An observation more to the point: Posting a video from some years past that is as irrational and stupid as the more recent ones from your camera does not further your argument. Some anti-Witness video makers should put more thought into what they purvey.
Finding every small bit of Watchtower news sensational is moronic. It is not persuasive. Sensationalism marks one as irrational. Consider the videos about the NWT court case, a case that's been thrown out of court at least twice, maybe three times, and that hasn't a "snowball's chance in hell" of moving forward. Yet, we have youtube videos that present it with glee. Why? That you made one and excitedly presented it marks you as irrelevant.
This isn't my fight exactly. The seeds of my Master's Thesis come from my mom's notes on mid 20th Century Witness history. They include observations on disaffected members. I will include some of that in my Thesis. So I watch the anti videos. I try to put myself in the place of a disfellowshiped person. Hard to do. But I know I would not be persuaded by most of the videos I see on youtube. They're like a gossip fest where everyone badmouths Jennifer Matilda Whatshername, because she's smarter, prettier than others, and drives a nicer car. Get to the point, Vid Makers, and make it a good one.