You cause trouble for Simon if you steal copyrighted images. Not a good idea. The thought is spot on.
Posts by vienne
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I watched part of this narcissistic clown's new video. The sycophantic comments, the adulation of a whore monger, just take my breath away. Don't they listen to what he actually says? Are they so stupid that they can be easily led by a moral degenerate? He lies, people. His lies call into question everything he says.
His followers seem to fall into two categories. Those whose life-decisions are similar: fornicators, adulterers, misappropriation; or what have you. Those who think that anyone who rants about Witness culture is on their side and that any moral fault should be overlooked as long as he says what they want to hear.
Did Lloyd ever say if his prostitutes were male or female?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Dear ncc
I understand that, and did not mean to criticise you.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Re: the video posted above.
Watchtower and Watch Tower stockholders do not receive returns from owning stock. It gives them voting rights only, and that for corporate officers. It gives them no say in doctrine or anything else. They can be deprived of their shares at will. Even if they attend the annual meeting, they must fill out a proxy first. Proxies always give the Governing Body or their representatives power to vote their shares. It is for legal form only.
Descendants of the original adherents have no special status. The names of most of them have been lost. Some of them left the Watch Tower in the 1880s. None of them are relevant today, except historically.
Poorly done research detracts from your message. It's Lloydism. [I just invented the term; feel free to use it.]
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's hard to believe that Evans found 700
foolsumm err patrons to finance his whoring. -
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Evans is too much of a donkey-eared narcissist to be a successful 'mole.' And he's not any sort of threat to the Watchtower. At best he gave a place for some x-Witnesses to vent. His threats rang hollow. Making a threat does not mean you have rocks to throw.
People like him will always have a following. The world is full of the easily led. The x community seems to be composed of those who some honest 'apostates' who looked deeply into their religion and found it wanting. These are an obvious minority. Others, the vast majority, were tossed on their ear for morals issues, and they do not like it. Most disfellowshipped Witnesses fall into silence. A small number are very vocal. Of those who make videos, almost none are worth watching. Most are extreme, making videos about anything and everything, no matter how insignificant. Example? Elder's wife who can tell you what the Watchtower said in 1953 that she finds shocking and that she thinks should shock you too.
Okay, you can down vote this post now. ...
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
I don't believe Lloyd is a WT plant. Not their style. I think he a Narcissistic Personality and probably needs counseling and medication. He certainly needs a large supply of condoms.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Her video is to the point and funny as heck. Amen, Sister.
Adam & Eve: Perfect but not everlasting life?
by pixel inso i was watching annual meeting.
towards the end of jackson’s talk, he says: .
“perfection doesn’t automatically means someone will get everlasting life.
Okay, I'm confused. Isn't the Watchtower's teaching that Adam and Eve, once they proved faithful, were to be granted "everlasting life" but not immortality?
And in light of the grain and first fruits offerings mandated in the Law Covenant would not Yahweh's rejection of Cain's sacrifice be on grounds other than its nature. The verses note a difference between the two brothers' offerings. Able gave from the "first fruits" but Cain only "some of" his vegies. When God addresses Cain, he does not say, "Sorry Bud, but you should have offered something else." Instead he comments on Cain's mental health, his attitudes.
Am I wrong?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Watching the Evans scandal unfold is like being at an airshow and watching a jet crash. You can't take your eyes off of it, but you don't want to see it either.
He brought this on himself. He deserves all the negative comments. But speculation really doesn't help.
As S.B.F. notes above, Croatia is a very small country. JW statistics are:
- 4,082,000—Population
- 4,815—Ministers who teach the Bible
- 57—Congregations
- 1 to 856—Ratio of Jehovah’s Witnesses to population.
Apparently there are few elders. So no surprise that they called in someone from the WT branch office. Until there is a firmly established alternative reason, what do we benefit from speculation?