In January Lloyd had 876 patrons. Today he has 549. Since most accounts continue until the end of the month, we will probably see another significant drop on June 1st.
Let's put this man's idiocy in the trash can were it belongs.
original reddit post (removed).
In January Lloyd had 876 patrons. Today he has 549. Since most accounts continue until the end of the month, we will probably see another significant drop on June 1st.
Let's put this man's idiocy in the trash can were it belongs.
original reddit post (removed).
There are some hidden costs to self-publishing. What comes to mind are my uncle's books. He partly funds research costs from profits, and that kind of research can be very expensive, and royalties never cover those costs. But Uncle B doesn't have a Patreon account. He has a link to paypal on his blog but the contributions from that source are few and far between. [] So the money to pay for scans and photocopies or original books and pamphlets if they can't be found online or in a library comes out of his own pocket.
Lloyd? I don't care what people contributed to his stupidity. That's their "look out." But the amount contributed by others calls into question the validity of his positive Amazon reviews. Especially since his writing would not receive a passing grade in a middle school class.
a new book on the events of the 1917 schism titled rutherford's coup is officially out on amazon.. authored by rud persson.
raised a baptist, in 1906, joseph franklin rutherford, a provincial missouri attorney with a shrewd and scheming legal mind, became a baptized “bible student.” in 1907, rutherford became the legal counselor for the group's legally chartered corporation, the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania.
My text books cost a small fortune, even used. So, while I'd like to read this, I can't afford it now.
original reddit post (removed).
Why is his head so fat? Haven't you ever heard the expression: "He's a fat head"?
original reddit post (removed).
Dear Idiot Atty Representing Lloyd - the Mental Health Case - Evans:
I do not live in Croatia. I am not subject to Croatian law. My comments are allowed under United States laws. But please do pursue this. The more lawyers fees Mr. Evans must pay, the better.
Best regards,
Annie, Fürstin of Something or Other.
original reddit post (removed).
Lloyd is, of course, a symptom of our boredom and revulsion over his behavior. I wonder how many of his twitter followers stay just for the show. They certainly aren't supporting him financially. Which is good. Nothing like a free peep show.
original reddit post (removed).
Ah, I see. But he still has 13 K followers. They do not support him financially, apparently, but 13K? Why?
original reddit post (removed).
I see his patreon supporters falling, but why in the world is his twitter following growing? Because we all like watching cartoons?
original reddit post (removed).
Must one touch their forehead to the monitor for that to work, or will it work from say, two feet away?
original reddit post (removed).
Beth Sarim Vienne, I just wanted to message you about obtaining a copy of the above material. How and where it is.
Try Amazon, B and N,, or even ebay.
There is a scanned version on