Dear Duv,
Not everything written about the two men is accurate. You may want to read Zoe Knox's Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World. Dr, Knox is generally a good researcher and and she's an academic, not an opposition writer. So she's fairly neutral.
Chryssides' Jehovah's Witnesses: Continuity and Change is another book by an academic. It's not always accurate, but the errors are minor. Again, a neutral book, as far as any book can be neutral.
Be aware that many things said about Rutherford simply are not true. There's a well-known photo of him and some of his friends drinking that is supposed to prove he's a drunk. The only problem is that they're drinking root beer, The glasses are root beer cups and the dispenser is a root beer dispenser. Be cautious and do not accept anything without convincing evidence. Convincing evidence is eye-witness, original documents. Not some claim made on the internet.
Another Rutherford story is someone finding a bobby pin in his bed. They presumed it was proof he was a fornicator. Except ... he was losing his hair, and one of the contemporary remedies was something called Lucky Tiger. One rubbed it into his scalp and wore a skull cap secured with bobby pins. So there is no solid proof in that story. I'd be pleased to find solid proof, or a solid refutation. I have not found either. In my wordy way, I'm simply advising caution.