Secretiveness is unbecoming the religion of Christ.
Posts by vienne
Past 12 months, #watchtower has obtained more than 36 unique subpoenas
by Not_Culty in
"in the past 12 months, #watchtower has obtained more than 36 unique subpoenas to identify the people who have posted their documents, leaked videos, & images from their publications.
this #watchhunt is a coordinated effort to locate & punish the leak sources.".
I wish all Witness men were like this ...
by vienne inmy intro essay for the new book caused all sorts of off blog controversy.
my writing partner, a retired educator and a witness, responded.
why aren't more witness men like this?
N. Blue,
If you mean me, I would be hard to disfellowship since I'm not and never have been a Witness.
I wish all Witness men were like this ...
by vienne inmy intro essay for the new book caused all sorts of off blog controversy.
my writing partner, a retired educator and a witness, responded.
why aren't more witness men like this?
Slim, the offenders believed that if they appealed to my writing partner, he would scold me and make me change my text. That's sexist thinking. It's typical of a certain class of Witness male.
I wish all Witness men were like this ...
by vienne inmy intro essay for the new book caused all sorts of off blog controversy.
my writing partner, a retired educator and a witness, responded.
why aren't more witness men like this?
Yup, Crofty, that about sums it up. And he'd be the last person to try that.
I wish all Witness men were like this ...
by vienne inmy intro essay for the new book caused all sorts of off blog controversy.
my writing partner, a retired educator and a witness, responded.
why aren't more witness men like this?
Slim, that is based on the offenders appealing to my writing partner and a blog editor, both male, to get me to delete key elements from my essay.
I wish all Witness men were like this ...
by vienne inmy intro essay for the new book caused all sorts of off blog controversy.
my writing partner, a retired educator and a witness, responded.
why aren't more witness men like this?
My intro essay for the new book caused all sorts of off blog controversy. My writing partner, a retired educator and a Witness, responded. Why aren't more Witness men like this?
Anyone notice JW old publications are going way up in price?
by Tobyjones262 ini have long collected the older books and magazines that show the jws crazy cult history.
they used to be very cheap and i have had people just give me books.
but now it seems the older stuff that shows the crazy cult history is really going up in price.
I buy many antiquarian books, and prices asked have gone up uniformly. Often sellers do not get the ask price. I shop on ebay for material relevant to my research project. Have patience; eventually one will show up for a reasonable price. But with WT stuff, why buy what you can download for free?
JWLEAKS.ORG is back for 2019 with a Scandal
by jwleaks inyep, we are back after taking some extended time off.. the website had been archived for some time.
i was concentrating on other jw-related projects in relation to say sorry.. but the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, who no longer claim to be infallible, decided that in their fallibility the best use of 'dedicated funds' would be to launch civil action against me in a us federal court.
to this end watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, inc., sent their attorneys after me.
to find agency one would have to find that elders are employees of the Watchtower Society. I think that would be hard to sustain on appeal.
JWLEAKS.ORG is back for 2019 with a Scandal
by jwleaks inyep, we are back after taking some extended time off.. the website had been archived for some time.
i was concentrating on other jw-related projects in relation to say sorry.. but the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, who no longer claim to be infallible, decided that in their fallibility the best use of 'dedicated funds' would be to launch civil action against me in a us federal court.
to this end watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, inc., sent their attorneys after me.
Some of our pasture is on floodplain and about 20 feet next to the river is underwater as Cascade Mountain runoff fills the river. That affects value.
JWLEAKS.ORG is back for 2019 with a Scandal
by jwleaks inyep, we are back after taking some extended time off.. the website had been archived for some time.
i was concentrating on other jw-related projects in relation to say sorry.. but the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, who no longer claim to be infallible, decided that in their fallibility the best use of 'dedicated funds' would be to launch civil action against me in a us federal court.
to this end watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, inc., sent their attorneys after me.
Unless it's a Federal Court, no California court has jurisdiction in New York. I do not see how selling property is a scandal. Maybe I'm just dense, but that seems like a reach.
My husband and I own a small farm. We bought the property at ten dollars an acre about twenty years ago. Recent sales of similar property suggest it would sell for nearly 100 dollars an acre. Do I 'sin' if I now sell off the farm and take the profit? Is that a scandal? If it isn't a scandal for me to do so, how is it one for the Watchtower to do so?
Is it a 'sin' for me to ignore a California court with no jurisdiction in Washington State, where I live? That issue arose when my dad's mother died. Our lawyer simply reminded the State of California that they had no enforcement power over a Washington citizen.