Dr. Schulz [I could call him uncle B as I do in person] but this seems like a more formal setting] says that three chapters remain to be finished. And an afterward. There will be edits after that. Of the three chapters, two are nearing completion.
He tells me volume three exists as a few chapters, an outline and bunches of notes. It is some distance in the future.
I might add that, watching my mom work on this, that much hard work and intense research goes into this project to make it as detailed and accurate as possible. I'm an amateur writer, still "in school." This has been a learning experience for me.
Mom and B's book about Nelson Barbour is on Lulu. B tells me that a revised and enlarged edition is in the works but 'on the back burner' as he puts the second volume of Separate Identity in final format.
Mom and B planned the next book, called On the Cusp of Fame, covering the years 1887-1912. B still plans to write that, though it seems to me to be a far more complex research project.
I hope it is okay that I use mom's old account here instead of making my own.