My mom used to distance shoot using a 45-70 Highwall and a 45-90 Sharps. These are black powder rifles, very powerful. I enjoy shooting as well. Mom's best was on a 2 ft by 2 ft target at 780 yards using iron sights. Mom also participated in timed shoots. That's firing at a target with a pistol [Hers was a High Standard Olympic] as fast as you can with the best possible score. Mom won medals for that. She also had a single shot 45-70 Government load Thompson Contender. That's a pistol. Powerful enough to bring down a Buffalo, but only used for target practice.
I do not do nearly so well. I do not hunt, though one of my uncles does, and I enjoy the venison.
There is nothing wrong, in my opinion, with having a gun for protection, for hunting, or for target shooting. I will refrain from insult -okay so it's a mild insult- but American interest in guns and shooting meant that twice Americans and Canadians saved your sorry European butts.