Separate Identity, volume 2, co-authored by my mom, is scheduled for release in March. B. W. Schulz, the series editor and mom's co-author has posted an update.
Posts by vienne
Update on Mom's Book.
by vienne inseparate identity, volume 2, co-authored by my mom, is scheduled for release in march.
b. w. schulz, the series editor and mom's co-author has posted an update.
1975 and 1981?
by Steel inis it true that in 1975 the watchtower falsely predicted the end of the world and a great number of the membership quit and just a few years later they turned disassociation into disfellowshipping?
You couldn't have read all mom's posts or mine or you would have seen her death notice. I know I said I was going away, and I am for a while. But I can't leave this unanswered. Yes, I'm on mom's account. My name is Annie [Anastasia]. Mom went by Rachael, one of her 'middle' names. Mom was 41 when she died. She was an educator and writer. She was born in Reno when Grandpa was a professor at University of Nevada. Mom was Austrian-American. Dad was born in Inverness, Scotland. I was born in Washington State.
The death notice on a blog she was co-owner of
Tributes to Mom are here and elsewhere:
1975 and 1981?
by Steel inis it true that in 1975 the watchtower falsely predicted the end of the world and a great number of the membership quit and just a few years later they turned disassociation into disfellowshipping?
I turn 15 in March. My mom and her writing partner are/were the experts, not me. I have other things that are more interesting and more important than this place. There are fun people here, but there are also some who do not want to think or know what Witness history really is. Some here are cruel, and a very few are stupid.
I am a Running Start student.That keeps me busy. I like real-life chatting at Starbucks far more than posting on this site.
My mom had the thoughtful comments. I just say things, and some of them, probably most of them are what mom would label nonsense.
I miss my mom. I want her back. Posting here is not a substitute for life. I'll come back and tell you when mom's book is published.
Neat Dog, Listener, Thanks for your kind words.
1975 and 1981?
by Steel inis it true that in 1975 the watchtower falsely predicted the end of the world and a great number of the membership quit and just a few years later they turned disassociation into disfellowshipping?
Someone is following me around this site and giving me a thumps down no matter what I write. Perhaps it is time for me to leave. Consider me gone.
1975 and 1981?
by Steel inis it true that in 1975 the watchtower falsely predicted the end of the world and a great number of the membership quit and just a few years later they turned disassociation into disfellowshipping?
No, in details. The Watchtower does not believe in "the end of the world." They believe in a restored earthly paradise and the destruction of the wicked. Did they say it would happen in 1875? Yes. They still distinguish between disfellowshipping and disassociation. But they treat both parties the same. So the answer to your question is, with different phrasing, you have it right.
Another comment from an Advanced Reader for S. Identity vol. 2
by vienne ini'm almost done reading it myself.
i'm impressed but since my mom was one of the writers, i am prejudiced.
here is the latest comment.
I'm not sure why my initial post merited a thumbs down, but one cannot please everyone.
Annual Mtg Points
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inmatt 28: 19 is the year text.
new understanding on joel ch 2 who are the locusts?.
there is a new building addition to warwick in the works.
Sorry Blondie. I hit the down button by mistake. I tried to fix it, but apparently I cannot. .... Ignore the whole thing. It appears to be fixed now.
Separate Identity vol. 2 - Outline of Contents
by vienne ini'm still not ready to write a review of my advance copy, but for those who have waited for the second volume of this history of the watch tower's earliest years, here is an outline of contents.. intro and first five chapters.
introductory essay – b. w. schulz.
historical idealism.
Probably in March if not sooner. Yes on Amazon and other book sites.
Another comment from an Advanced Reader for S. Identity vol. 2
by vienne ini'm almost done reading it myself.
i'm impressed but since my mom was one of the writers, i am prejudiced.
here is the latest comment.
March next seems to be the target date. It will be available on Amazon and lulu and Barnes and Noble and other book sites.
Another comment from an Advanced Reader for S. Identity vol. 2
by vienne ini'm almost done reading it myself.
i'm impressed but since my mom was one of the writers, i am prejudiced.
here is the latest comment.
A recent review of volume 1 found at
User Review - Magnificent. I have never read a book on Jehovah's Witnesses so meticulously researched. B. W. Schulz and R. M. de Vienne (recently deceased) are to be congratulated for shining a light on this little understood period (1870-1887) of Bible Student history. They refute the myths that have grown up and been perpetuated by both friends and foes of the movement. These are replaced by concrete facts which are fully and laboriously footnoted. I could not recommend this book more highly.