Too long to post here, but you can read it here:
too long to post here, but you can read it here:.
Too long to post here, but you can read it here:
currently reading: jehovahs witnesses and the third reich by james penton.
a wonderful book written by an ex jw, born in 1932. i find this book very informative, interesting specially coz i was not around then.its thorough, lucid factual,every detail referenced and analytical data is provided to authenticate the veracity of assertion.
a pretty good read indeed for pimis n pimos alike!.
Mom had Penton's books. I've only read two of them, not this one. I liked his book on Witnesses in Canada.
a brief review of mom and b’s newest work found in the french journal: .
mouvements religieux: bulletin publié par l’association d’etude et d’information sur les mouvements religieux, mars – avril 2020, numéro 476-477. .
cet ouvrage monumental est fondamental sur l’histoire des étudiants de la bible, de leurs pr'écurseurs et des débuts de leur histoire.
a brief review of mom and b’s newest work found in the french journal: .
mouvements religieux: bulletin publié par l’association d’etude et d’information sur les mouvements religieux, mars – avril 2020, numéro 476-477. .
cet ouvrage monumental est fondamental sur l’histoire des étudiants de la bible, de leurs pr'écurseurs et des débuts de leur histoire.
A brief review of Mom and B’s newest work found in the French journal:
MOUVEMENTS RELIGIEUX: Bulletin publié par l’Association d’Etude et d’Information sur les Mouvements Religieux, Mars – Avril 2020, Numéro 476-477.
Cet ouvrage monumental est fondamental sur l’histoire des étudiants de la Bible, de leurs pr'écurseurs et des débuts de leur histoire.
"This monumental work is fundamental to the history of Bible Students, their forerunners and the beginnings of their history."
i certainly have , over the normal week i go to one of two clubs where i have two beers over a couple of hours ( i pace myself ) and catch up with a few friends .
one of the clubs every hour goes around to disinfect everywhere people make contact with pokies /machines or whatever we might touch.and they also now have limits as to how many can be in a certain area at any one time.and that applies to both clubs ,except one does not disinfect every hour.. today, their were far fewer people in this particular club that i attended that is usually bustling with patrons on a saturday either drinking gambling and socializing .not today.
and a strict rule of how many could be in a certain area at any one time .. and i agree with all of this , its necessary .and i will be monitoring my own activities as need be.. what have you noticed in your neck of the woods.?
I'm too young to drive. I turned 15 this month. But my dad and I drive a short stretch of the Interstate to get to our pasture. There is traffic, but not very much. Our often noisy neighborhood [many little kids shouting and playing] is very, very quiet. We stay in as much as possible. I've played more card games with my sister than we usually play in a year. School is online. I miss my friends, though we chat on the phone or text.
Dad works from home. His company's offices are closed. Everything is on the Internet or phone. Dad's trip to Germany to inspect a project has been indefinably cancelled. Cousins living in England and France don't go anywhere. Life is not the same.
mom's book, still only available on lulu, got its first review: .
"like topsy it just growed.
Another new review of Separate Identity vol. 2
mom's book, still only available on lulu, got its first review: .
"like topsy it just growed.
The latest review of Separate Identity vol 2.
mom's book, still only available on lulu, got its first review: .
"like topsy it just growed.
Vol 2 has about twice as many pages making it more expensive. Zoe Knox's book is nearly $100. That makes Separate Identity 2 more than reasonabe in price.
i thought this was an interesting site that discusses end of world predictions.
there are additional links at the end of this page.
Neither Bible Students nor Jehovah's Witnesses believe in or ever believe in the end of the world. They believe in a divine judgment, not the Adventist end of the world. They reject end of the world theology.
mom's book, still only available on lulu, got its first review: .
"like topsy it just growed.
Mom's book, still only available on lulu, got its first review: