Yet another article on the situation in Belgium
Posts by vienne
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Dr. Introvigne's concluding article
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
There is supposed to be a part three, I'm told. When I see it, I'll post it.
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
Part two of Dr. Introvigne's article on the Belgian court.
Jehovah’s Witnesses in Detroit in 1920d
by Paul Bonanno inhi i am trying to find information related to jehovah’s witnesses / international bible students in 1920s in detroit.
during this particular period a maltese immigrant who traveled to usa to work got in contact with the witnesses and later returned back to malta and shared his new faith with the locals.
Try one of the newspaper archives. Start here:
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
You may find this response interesting.
Watchtower fined in Belgium
by Vanderhoven7 injehovah's witnesses in belgium have to pay €12k fine for shunning policy.
you have probably heard of the trial going on in belgium about the shunning policy of jws.
I would not like my choice of associates to be regulated by law. Is disfellowshipping painful? I see that it is. Do I want to be forced to speak to a disfellowshiped pedophile because a judge says I must? No. Not now. Not ever. One's choice of associates, no matter what drives it, should be beyond a judge's purview.
Do You Support The Death Penalty ?
by minimus indo you support the death penalty or do you think the worst punishment should be incarceration?.
Okay, so I misread this as "do you support the death penalty or reincarnation." I don't believe in reincarnation, but it might be an excellent punishment.
I support the death penalty.
Chanting 1Corinthians 1:18 from the kitchen just after JW Family finish praying
by SonoftheTrinity in"for the preaching of the cross is unto them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved, it is the power of god.
" for that reason we say in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit.. is melodically chanting that verse a form persecution?
(and yes i can carry a tune).
Persecution? No. Ineffective? Probably.
What's up with the demonic avatar?
by Repent inwhy does the j-w forums have a demonic avatar as starting avatar?
why would a biblical religion even consider having demonic images included, in any of their content?.
The original poster needs a good remedial reading course. Most school districts offer them to adults, assuming he is an adult in any sense.
Dear Repent,
You came here to call Jehovah's Witnesses to repentance? Fine. At least some of them need to do that. But you cannot succeed if you do not alter your approach. For instance you jump from bad behavior [the responses here you imagine came from still adherent Witnesses] to Witnesses being 'false profits.' That's a major logic fault. If you seek to persuade, that will not work.
It helps if you spell check. An occasional typo can be ignored. We all make them. But that's plainly a misspelling. Unfortunately, a misspelling is often taken as a measure of intellect. Put more plainly, it makes you look stupid.
If you wish to persuade Bible believers, you must know the book yourself. You have yet to show any sign that you do. Some JWs can put professors of religion to shame. Notice, I said 'some.' Those who can't will run off to those who can. As a religious illiterate, who will you persuade?
My take on your thoughtless, illiterate posts is that you have reading comprehension problems. There are remedies for that, no matter the cause. Avail yourself.