A significant portion of the population, not just Witnesses resist reading. Reading quality writing does not of itself motivate one to improve. Setting a good example? Where were you in the 1970s. Go back and read the Watchtowers from then and tell me about its good example. Yes, it is better now. And no, I wasn't around then, but I have read them. The writing example set now is suitable for fifth graders, not adults.
You wrote: "Watchtower does not fear the informed, questioning believer as you allege but fears those who seek to undermine genuine intellectual inquiry and freedom using unquestioned, critical scholarship which lacks coherence and unity of thought."
That's nonsense. Define "genuine intellectual inquiry." To Witnesses that's reading what's in Watchtower product and believing it uncritically. If we take you at your at your word, nothing outside the Watchtower is a genuine intellectual inquiry. I will grant that this site attracts fallacious, ill-considered expositions. But that's beside the point. Any thoughtful, well founded research that differs from Watchtower dogma exposes one to charges of heresy resulting in expulsion.
You admit that the Watchtower "fears those who seek to undermine" Watchtower doctrine. Why, if you have the Truth, would you fear falsehood?
You write: "The present modern era provides the opportunity at least for advancement and this fact must be recognized and even if such ones are merely competent report or essay writers then that surely is worthy attainment for not all can be or want to be grammarians."
This has no bearing on the issue at hand. It is a non sequitur.