copyright infringement isn't about 'owning' the material. It's theft. It's use of someone else's work for your own ends. It's morally wrong.
Posts by vienne
Anyone know a link to the leaked music video the cult is so upset about?
by mickbobcat ini have been hearing the cult is upset that this video leaked and is trying to remove it off the net.
lol are they really that stupid?
but if anyone has a link to the video i would love to see it.
Anyone know a link to the leaked music video the cult is so upset about?
by mickbobcat ini have been hearing the cult is upset that this video leaked and is trying to remove it off the net.
lol are they really that stupid?
but if anyone has a link to the video i would love to see it.
mick, exactly which suit did Watchtower lose? You mean the darkspilver thing? Was that about a song?
Anyone know a link to the leaked music video the cult is so upset about?
by mickbobcat ini have been hearing the cult is upset that this video leaked and is trying to remove it off the net.
lol are they really that stupid?
but if anyone has a link to the video i would love to see it.
I'm not a troll. Copyright is a legal device settled in the US Constitution to protect intellectual rights. Write a book? Or produce music? Hopefully you get paid. Others steal it? They take your rights and any money you may make from it.
Watchtower violating someone else's copyright does not erase the importance of copyright law.
Do you have a link to the Chariots of Fire issues? Was there a lawsuit? I would like to know more.
Anyone know a link to the leaked music video the cult is so upset about?
by mickbobcat ini have been hearing the cult is upset that this video leaked and is trying to remove it off the net.
lol are they really that stupid?
but if anyone has a link to the video i would love to see it.
It's not stupid to vigorously defend a copyright. My mom had to do that. Pirating intellectual property is theft.
Hamburg Court Decision
by vienne inwatchtower v. anti-cult organization sponsored by russia and france..
Watchtower v. anti-cult organization sponsored by Russia and France.
144000 and the great multitude
by cmaymann inhellow.
i am studying some material about jehovah’s witness – and i wonder why they think, that the 144.000 from rev 7 should be in heaven, and the great multitude should be on earth.
can anyone give me some argument for this opinion?.
Do YOU Think Biden Actually Won As President?
by minimus inor do you think trump actually won???
Democrats have been stealing elections since 1864. When they can't win by theft, the riot. Think the NYC Draft Riots by Catholic Democrats who murdered Blacks and set them on fire.
Watchtower takes parody poster to court.
by Lost in the fog inanother youtube presenter falls foul of the wt society's legal team.
the watch tower copyright lawsuit targets creator of "dubtown" lego animations.
I have mixed feelings. yes, parody is protected. It should be, even if we do not like the result. Copyright infringement makes my teeth chip. Live by the rules. My mom's now out of print novel was copied to a torrent download site. That harmed what money she made from the book. It was very difficult to end that problem. Bits of Uncle B's work were copied entire to a Polish blog site. Quoting is okay, allowed by US law at least. Stealing an entire section is not.
Say your piece. Don't like the Watchtower, fine. Live by the rules. There is nothing one can say about the Watchtower, true or false, that would surprise anyone. And personally I do not care what another thinks about them. But live within the legal rules or pay the price.
If the Dubtown creator crossed the line, it is his fault, not the Watchtower's.
I would resent my work being misused. The Watchtower watches carefully for the misuse of their material even by their 'friends.' Just do not cross legal lines, and criticize all you want. We all know what the Watchtower's reaction will be if we cross that line. We shouldn't moan and groan if someone does and suffers the consequences, and we shouldn't be surprised.
Were You Ever Interested In Early Watchtower History?
by minimus ini also was intrigued by the russellites and the break away sects that formed before and after charles taze russell.
i can only imagine what the bible students were thinking when rutherford became the next watchtower president..
My mom and uncle got me interested. I read all three of their books, a biography of Nelson Barbour, the guy from Rochester, and the first two volumes of Separate Identity. I find early Russell history fascinating. Uncle B tells me that George Cryssides has a new book on Witnesses coming out in September or so, but it's about modern Witnesses not Russellites. I want to read it. B read the rough drafts and says he'll review it on his history blog after publication.
Most of you already know about his blog, I think. But in case some don't, it's here:
As I see it, subject to revision later, Russell was a sincere but big headed man. Anyone who self-identifies as the faithful and wise servant has issues. Only Jesus can make that designation. And as the parable suggests it's made publicly. Making it yourself is at the very least, unwise. Besides, it's a parable, not a prophecy.
Prince Harry: I've suffered genetic pain
by LoveUniHateExams inlol, i'm sorry, but is this n*gga serious?.
yes, he suffered his mother dying when he was 12, and his father charles maybe wasn't the best hands-on father.. but 'genetic pain'?
wtf is this shit?.
I don't know what Harry meant. There are persistent genetically based neurological problems in the royal family, apparently from intermarriage. Same is true of those related to the Habsburgs. Essentially what killed my mom. This does cause stress and in some permutations behavior problems.
But as I said, I do not know if that's what he meant. Family stress is not fun. I've seen enough of it to know all I want is peace in family relationships. I can sympathize with a wealthy man who has problems his money cannot solve.