Dio, having an opinion different from yours does not make me a troll. You do not like it that someone can stand up to your nonsense. Your reasoning is faulty on several grounds. Freely sharing work does not cancel copyright and it does not give anyone else the right to misuse it or use it without permission. You may want it to be so. But it is not so in law. Disagreeing with you does not make me a troll. Your response shows you have no refutation only ad hominem.
Many authors share their work 'for free' though contests and giveaways. That's especially so among those published independently or by a 'small press.' Doing so does not cancel copyright. You hate the Watchtower. That's fine. But this issue extends past the Watchtower. It is a creator's right to within the law protect their intellectual property. That you wish it was not so in the Watchtower's case does not change that. Stealing another's work for your own ends is immoral and it is theft. Do you support theft?