From Schulz and de Vienne, Separate Identity, vol 2:
"Historic Millenarianism was defined by Norman Cohn in his 1957 work, Pursuit of the Millennium, as the belief held on the authority of Revelation 20:4-6, that after his return Christ would establish a kingdom on earth and would reign over it for a thousand years, followed by a final judgment. Cohn characterized the salvation doctrine of early and medieval millennialist sects as collective. Salvation was to be shared by the elect as a corporate body. It was “to be realized on this earth and not in some otherworldly heaven.” Deliverance was imminent and total, “so that the new dispensation will be no mere improvement on the present earth but perfection itself.” Ultimate salvation, deliverance from this evil world, would be by divine not human means. There were and are variations among millennialists, but over time this is the pattern followed by most who wished to adhere closely to New Testament doctrine. It is with minor exceptions Watch Tower faith in the Russell era."