Must one touch their forehead to the monitor for that to work, or will it work from say, two feet away?
original reddit post (removed).
Must one touch their forehead to the monitor for that to work, or will it work from say, two feet away?
original reddit post (removed).
Beth Sarim Vienne, I just wanted to message you about obtaining a copy of the above material. How and where it is.
Try Amazon, B and N,, or even ebay.
There is a scanned version on
original reddit post (removed).
I think our discussion drifts off into the irrelevant, even into hints of stalking and doxing. That's not the best path forward. But I think this discussion has helped tank Evans' following on Patreon. That's deliciously good. He finds new patrons, but they do not counter balance those dropping him.
This would be more effective if we continued to focus on Lloyd's behaviors. Point them out, show the moral issues, discuss the financial issues, point to his behaviors toward others. We do that here, and drifting from that lowers our effectiveness.
youtube's 'xjw curious,' pete corbeil, reads proselytizing letter written by a pimo jw who simply shares current watchtower teachings like no other jw.
use google drive link below to print your own copies of this letter.
(114) shocking letter reveals jehovah's witnesses true beliefs!
Most videos that include "shocking" i nthe title are "click bait." This one is no exception.
original reddit post (removed).
Just for show. He can't enforce a verdict from a Croatian court anywhere else. Croatians are not stupid. I'll be surprised if this makes it to court.
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B. Sarim,
I just finished reading Charles Mackay's Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. It was first published in 1841, and I believe it is still in print. [I borrowed this one from my uncle's research collection.] The situation isn't unique to Witnesses, of course. It seems to be a general human failing. While Mackay's book is illuminating, it doesn't seem to offer any solutions. Still, you may want to read it.
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Dear Argentina,
I don't know if it's Lloyd -the twit- Evans who down voted. Someone has down voted sensible posts on the board for a very long time. Might be them.
I hesitate to censor down votes. I occasionally down vote what I think is rank stupidity.
And Lloyd still has supporters. Look at the number of twitter followers. And his patreon numbers are still above five hundred. I puzzle over people's ability to believe stupidity. I know people use the pejorative "cult" when referring to Witness culture. Academics tend to avoid the word, but with Evans and his followers it seems totally appropriate.
original reddit post (removed).
Evans really is a living joke. I wonder if I can write a paper about him and his trials. Would my religion professor accept idiocy as a topic for a paper?
uncle b passed this article on to me.
it's a quick read.
it seems accurate, but it is one-sided.
Yes, it seems to be a low-level effort. It is, as I said above, unbalanced. None of my professors would accept a similar effort from me. Believe me, I know that from experience.
original reddit post (removed).
I wonder how many of his patrons watched the video.