I've never found a satisfactory religion. I agree with Jehovah's Witnesses strict moral expectations. -- Yes I know many here do not. -- I think some of their doctrine is unsound scripturally.
And I think much of the behaviors of those in authority are not reasonable, scriptural or kind. I watched nonsense come my mother's way from elders who thought they could or should control her thinking, only on the basis that she attended meetings as a child. I'm told their actions were not typical, and one of my uncles, an elder himself, took it up with the offending elders. But if you put self-serving, dictatorial men in authority, you share in their sin. The Governing Body is responsible for Elders' conduct.
I'm drifting from my point, aren't I?
For now I'm content to pray and read. I talk religion to others taking sociology and religious studies classes. So many points of view.
The original poster puzzles me. Why would you come here to seek a belief system? It appears to me that he wants what Witnesses offer, but without being a Witness. The Abrahamic Faith churches [e.g.: General Conference - Atlanta] are non-Trinitarian, but they're also Socinian. I can't find a scriptural basis for Socinianism. But perhaps the original poster would be happy with that.
Sorry for the rambling post.